
This was a wonderful Digest! I appreciate the experimentation with the video quality. Not all experiments work out, but the ones that do go unnoticed so…good job on trying! Also, it sounds like the spray painting part of the game really need to become a game unto itself. Some one get on that.

This is GAMEOLOGICAL where causality is NOT important!

Thank you for giving me a way to giggle at the eccentricities of gravity!

Bravely Default is a great game. I suggest playing at your own pace. From what I can tell (I had to stop somewhere in the middle), you will spend a LOT of time in the game, so no real need to grind.

This weekend I will drive myself insane with Studying!. It is a terrible game that requires hours of effort with little returns, since my professors aren't going to make my exams easy. If I go insane, possible cure might be Divinity: Divine Sin. I have played 20 minutes so far, and I LOVE it. I really like the

Good luck with the move. School + Life usually equals something more difficult and less helpful. I really want to get involved with Dark Souls, but I don't think time will allow for now.

I also like eating the hearts of my enemies. That is where the rich, tasty power is! Also, assorted lengths of wire.

I like science victories. It always seems so fun to try and keep everyone away from you as you try and build a rocket to another planet. Also the fact that by that time you always seem to have more than enough of every resource really helps too.

I will be playing Pokemon Y. My brain is still reeling from school work and tests, so the only real way for me to relax is to keep playing a semi-autonomous game that is rather fun. I restarted my character and so far, I love my decision. I only have 2 badges, but man did I grind too much. All my pokemon are

Thank you for reminding me of all the wonderful fiction I read as a child. I always wondered why there was so much zombie fiction. You make a compelling argument.

I also was going to comment on this. I really appreciate that the Digest makes me want to try new and varied things. From different ice creams, to really fun games as well.

I probably will die horribly, while trying to remake electricity or some sort of physical device. Perhaps some sort of death clock?

My worst tutorial has to be Starpoint Gemini. The twenty minutes of reading about the "crisis" I had to solve, then being expected to perform perfectly on something I was never told, then failed for doing something that obviously should be done before said action that causes you to repeat twenty minute speech really

My squeamish confession…I love looking at all the pokemon I catch. I am a grown man studying physics, hell I am spending 70+ hours a week doing nothing but physics. Still, I find that watching the pokemon designs and seeing the flourishes that are done really make me forget all that trauma constant integration and

I agree about the padding. As I have been playing, I am still in the 2nd chapter and I am what…20 hours into it? That is WAAAAY too much time demanded. I understand the genre requires it, but that is why I thought Pokemon X/Y was so nice. It fixed the grinding to a better more manageable pace.

Thank you @stakkalee:disqus for doing this every week. You are the best!

Good Luck! It is always so much fun building a super fast, new, shiny (assuming this) computer. I hope it is cool (thermally) and efficient.

@stakkalee:disqus suggestion of using the favorites menu is a great idea. I also think that having a general plan for most encounters helps too. Most Skyrim encounters drop down to "Lone person", "Small Mob", and "Huge Boss". Having a general plan on what you want to do usually makes switching easier. Until dragons

My friends and I would always enjoy playing Illusion of Gaia. There usually was something that was too difficult to figure out right away, and so we would just pass the controller around until someone figured it out or died.

I love PLanescape: Torment. In fact, it is the game I was going to say that I enjoy watching. It was one of the few computer games I got to watch before owning my own computer. I love that game. My advice. Experiment! Don't just settle with a little bit of fun, spend some time goofing off and enjoy it. Plus