
That was the game I was going to suggest! I love that fact that you can basically do everything in Mortal Combat and when you kill anyone you get a great cartoonish death sequence!

Your holiness, I remember playing that series over a summer and being so confused that I thought I was stupid. I am glad to hear that I was not the only one to be lost ENTIRELY by that plot.

It would be strange as well if no one knew who the photographer was right away. With mobile phones being so ubiquitous, it is easy to make the photographer a variable, thus adding another layer. Or just making the whole thing more frustrating?

My advice: Start studying Calculus right away! It may be hard, but it makes math much more interesting and it allows you to really see why you will use EVERYTHING you learn in all your classes.

I have loved Alpha Protocol, bugs and all. I think the gameplay is unique and the "choice" is really quite nice. I also think that The Witcher could have benefited from the options given in Alpha Protocol. I would have loved to see a version of the Witcher where Geralt is given more options than Strong Swing, quick

Wow…that was one grunt worthy video. I personally am impressed with many of the sound changes people come up with. I really like all the futurama additions, since I am THE PROFESSOR!

I am probably going to spend my weekend playing Bravely Default. So far, I really enjoy the gameplay. It is fun to just play a game for a few hours and just unwind, not really thinking or knowing much about the story. I also have an INSANE amount of studying and homework to do, so mostly I will be doing that.

Good luck! I hope all goes well. I also agree that having something to keep you busy during the down time will really help. Unfortunately, I only have one real suggestion. Any of the board games you really enjoy that are on a tablet or phone might also be a good idea. That way you both don't have to clean up at

I really like this question. I usually have some sort of game that I really want to complete, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Sometimes, this can really impact my ability to play any games at all. (I also do this with movies, t.v., books, and all media really). I notice this happens when I literally stare

Kaiden is probably the better choice for the 3rd game, but I see the problem with the romance. I also think that you don't have to stick with your romantic decisions AT ALL. You will probably will not be sticking with Kaiden anyway due to the nature of Mass Effect 2.

That is a really neat way to look at it. If I recall correctly, there should be some sort of DLC that allows you to make all the crucial decisions in Mass Effect. It doesn't really help you, but now you know.

I'll be playing Bravely Default. I really enjoy it, especially the fact that I can put it up at a moments notice. So far, I really love the grinding opportunities. I have found that I get to spend time just grinding, and is relaxing when grad school is doing basically the same thing to my brain.

That would be a great kids show! I think we need to involve Bender as well!

I think it should be time for Professor Farnsworth's halabaloo question for you!

I will also be playing Bravely Default. I have had to study for an Electrodynamics exam, but this weekend I will start the official game. (given that I complete the demo).

This is a very interesting comment and one that I have been trying to articulate for a while. I completely agree about this. I think that the "magic" of sex, and especially sexual humor comes, not from the explicit nature of it, but from the creativity and the innuendo of the situation. The only example I can think

Just wait until the sequel: Zombie Underpants Jesus: The pantening.

Terranigma is a great name. I also like Illusion of Gaia. The title doesn't really make much sense until later in the game were,
Spoilers on a 20 year old game:

Alien Mindbenders sounds so much like a great game. I like the sound of it.

I really like Mass Effect. The whole idea of using Mass as the method of traveling faster than light is pretty neat.