Connor Dickless

Wrong. You NEED job because capitalism.

Honestly, I don’t think it would be as bad if they just made the hair darker. But swept back + bleach blonde just does NOT work for Peter.

Eh, I think they’re unique enough. Peter’s hair looks weird, but I think the other four members are a fine mix of their comic and movie designs without being 100% either. A helluva lot more than Avengers.

Absolutely intentional dig

Let’s be real here

I know not everybody agrees with me on this but Zombi U did a great job of using the gamepad, especially when you factor in how its used in both single player and multiplayer.

I bought a Wii U at launch and it remains Nintendo’s most misunderstood console. people either thought it was a new controller for the Wii and didn’t buy it or they bought it and didn’t know how the new gameplay mechanics of the controller worked.

But did it start a flame in your heart?

Oh, so you’re the 2nd person playing this game.

It didn’t want to set the world on fire. It just wanted to start a flame in your heart.

It was never going to set the world on fire.”

Always a pleasure to have you around Cpt Hindsight

Why does this article not link to the Kickstarter it’s commenting on? I had to click the youtube video, tell it to open on youtube, then click the link in the description of the video. That’s dumb as hell.

Sony is starting to act with the same level of arrogance that Intel did in the last decade. I wouldn’t be surprised if they fell just as hard.

I was getting serious deviantart vibes from how it was described. That unsettling, self-serious intersection between furries and “I’m 14 and this is deep”.

Definitely hope they get Jodie Whittaker on board, though I could see them feeling that maybe you don’t need her as the audience identifying figure in the sequel. But she is so good if you can get her in your movie I think you do it.

Yeah I really just need to stop trying to save this card and buy it somewhere else lol. 

Being able to select individual tracks in PGR2 (and mix them in with the official ones) was amazing

Phantom Dust was one of the main games I did this with, it definitely added to my enjoyment of the game. When they re-released Phantom Dust on Xbox One it through me off hearing the games original music instead of my tracks.

Watching that video immediately took me back to the day my cousin and I spent hours adding music from CDs, editing album and track titles, just to listen to cool music on the games that allowed it.

I feel like the simplest solution is just to bring in Miles for this universe.