Connor Dickless

You really buried the lede with this one. Breakdown is an underrated GEM. While the controls are definitely unwieldy, if you can clear that barrier to entry you will find a thrilling, creative, highly imaginative first-person adventure.

I also adore Little Nightmares. Good month for Gold members, to be sure.

See, “mystery” by itself isn’t compelling to me. If there clearly aren’t actual answers, then it just makes the character flat and artificial.

Am I alone in never really having understood the fascination with Boba Fett? In the original trilogy he never seemed to be that effective,

This series is the epitome of mediocre streaming adaptations and it gets a third season before the second even airs. While series like Kingdom still are on the bubble... 

It wasnt the voice, it was the lip syncing. They clearly tried to use deep fake tech.

If game journalists and scalpers are the only people with “next-gen” consoles are the PS4 and Xbox One really the last generation, or still the current one? I know I resorted to picking up Miles Morales on PS4 and AC Valhalla on PC. I’ll probably get Immortals and Cyberpunk on PC, too, and that right there were all

I wonder if the redesign will actually fix the app itself. I’ve tried the Funimation app on several devices a while back and the experience is pretty awful. Even basic things like items in my digital library being inexplicably inaccessible.

Hogun got plenty of ceremony.

Just because they’re doing it doesn’t mean it isn’t a mistake.

As much as I love the work of Noah Hawley I’ve no interest in the xenomorphs on Earth.

When Destiny first released. It did make me wonder a “what if” scenario with Bungie staying with Halo and turning it into a Destiny like series post-Reach.

The first game is also the worst in the series?????????

I dunno if you remember it (or are an old enough fart like me to do so) but Shadowrun on the SNES was one of my favourite console RPGs of all time. I know there have been Shadowrun games since, and the recent ones have been decent enough, but none has ever captured the brilliance of that one for me. The story was

Awesome, this continues the streak of a game coming to Game Pass about a week after I finally cave and buy it.

I don’t envy anyone tasked with making a new Alien, well, anything. The evil corporation might be the most sustainable element and most relevant, but I can’t imagine most audiences being happy with that bait and switch. I’d only hope each season finale is a different alien from 90's toy line wrecking a research

“Someone still tell me why I even need an xbox when my pc can do all that shit better.”

I really think mixing it up and bringin the predator to an urban hellhole was a brilliant way to mix it up. I’m worried you may be right and a new Predator flick will ignore everything from before, which is just nuts. There’s some good stuff there.

No, DS4 was worse than DS3. A completely pointless light you couldn’t turn off, that weird built in speaker that was never used, the touchpad that was never used.

I also want a new generation of instruments - many of them are dying and were never really good in the first place.

Most people disagree with you, as do both of the other console makers, but you do you I guess.