Connor Dickless
Now playing

I love this game so much. For all the reasons listed above but possibly especially the music. It gave us this absolute banger (and one of my favorite pieces from any JRPG);

You’re either being willfully ignorant/arrogant or you’re spouting blatant revisionist history to justify whatever weird console biases you have. You don’t have to like Microsoft but the only one that’s wrong here is you.

I enjoyed the demo aside from one moderately sized gripe;

Doesn’t sound too bad to be honest. 

Doesn’t sound too bad to be honest. 

Valheim won me over through its aesthetic and its streamlined and forgiving survival elements.

Maybe I missed it but are they still going to charge $10 for these? Because ten bucks for 4-6 weeks would be awfully overpriced. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see it. 

God I was so stoked for that game. After The Force Unleashed and GTAIV I really that that tech was going to be more prevalent in gaming.

I’m absolutely still going to play it day one but I’m also supremely disappointed that Indy is first-person. So much of the character is the movement and physicality and I think it’s a disservice that we won’t see that in gameplay. 

What a sad day for Harmonix. Getting sucked up into the Fortnite machine like so many great studios with Activision/Blizzard and Call Of Duty. I’m honestly bummed about this. 

Super Dodgeball Advance is strangely missing from this list.

Assuming there’s any legitimacy to this I’m just going to pretend the actual release is September 2026. Since that’s likely when the average person who isn’t a scalper or reseller or willing to pay double the cost will be able to get one.

I did the same thing for the Wii a couple months after it launched. It wasn’t an altogether unenjoyable experience for me either but I have no desire to ever stand outside in the cold for 5 hours for anything. I didn’t even really get to enjoy the Wii because I was so tired I fell asleep an hour after gettin home and

Won’t even knock it because that’s a pretty good reason. 

It’s not great but I don’t care as long as I can beat up nazis in satisfying ways. Luckily Machine Games has a knack for that. I’ll be very disappointed if it’s first person though. 

I got it for $10 and only did so based on word of mouth and I almost immediately remembered why I haven’t enjoyed a single 3D Sonic game. Hell, I find it hard to enjoy the 2D Sonic games anymore and mid-90s me lived for that shit. 

Consumerism is absolutely out of control.

Good time to start checking those clearance sections, I guess

How much of that map is worthwhile content though? Because I read this and imagine vast emptiness filled with monotonous busywork like so many massive open-world games today (looking squarely at you Ubisoft) but with the added fun of archaic game design.

The added representation option was great but I could never bring myself to play this version. No animated cutscenes and the hugely downgraded navigation just kill it for me. Moving a dot around a map just wasn’t it