Man, there must be something wrong with me because I always seem to hate the naps others love. I hated playing on Behemoth. I hated Blood Gulch. Hated Gridlock. Hated Facing Worlds. The bazaar and live fire maps was great though.
Man, there must be something wrong with me because I always seem to hate the naps others love. I hated playing on Behemoth. I hated Blood Gulch. Hated Gridlock. Hated Facing Worlds. The bazaar and live fire maps was great though.
I couldn’t even finish Far Cry 5. It just felt like Far Cry 4 which felt like Far Cry 3 and I was bored to death. Which pretty much describes most of their games for me now. As much as I think Valhalla looks cool I knows it’s just more of the new AC formula, which I’m already bored of. I also couldn’t finish Odyssey At…
Guess that's a big oof for Hyper Scape, huh?
Weird castings but I’m not unexcited that DK is in it. Illumination only has like 2 really good movies among a bunch of middling fluff imo so I’m not expecting much here. Hopefully Nintendo’s involvement makes up for it.
Hey, baby steps I guess.
Des it also make it so I can turn the thing off by holding the PS/home button like every other thing ever?
I haven’t finished God of War yet (I know, I know. Backlog, guys). Who wants to be a bro and tell me if this trailer is free of any major spoilers ie; safe to watch?
I continue to hate knock-off Star-lord’s dumb hair and weak Gunnisms but the rest of it looks surprisingly not bad. I’ll just be forced to preorder for those classic skins.
The PS5 version is unexpected but it puts me in a tough spot. I’m finally getting around to playing through the fourth game (on a PS5, ironically). And this puts me in a “Should I even finish it or just get this?” situation. Especially since I obviously can’t count on any kind of upgrade option. What a time to be…
It’d be pretty neato of this had co-op. Switching between the two Spideys would be cool but co-op would be perfect imo.
I mean, it’s only ten bucks. It’s pocket change. But at the end of the day and likely in the eyes of the average consumer it feels like they’re handing Microsoft the W on this particular battle. Smart Delivery is looking more and more smart and you can bet they’re going to capitalize on this.
I had no idea either. It just seemed like a generic cowboy-ish name for a boring cowboy character and I never really cared for it/him. At least now I have a better reason.
I’ve never had this issue, thankfully. Usually it’s just Spectrum being the absolute dogshit that it is. What I’d really like is some official clarification straight from Sony on exactly wtf the “Other” section is in system storage.
So like pretty much all of the racing modes in GTAO? Sounds about right.
Personally, I've only ever replaced an Xbox controller past the X360 because I wanted some special edition pad. DualShock 4 is the problem child for me. Went through at least 6 and it was always because egregious stick drift after one year max.
As a vanguard that saves Kaidan and has never once saved Ashley I feel unique and special.
It’s also a shame that The Darkness has never had any kind of re-release or at the very least a PC port.
I don’t necessarily mind when it comes to first party titles because, well, that’s the name of the game. But third party exclusives just make me think “Why?”. And exclusive content or DLC for multiplatform games can rot in the pits of hell.
If this were Jezebel I’d wager the tone of the article would be radically different. And rightfully so imo. Everything about this is gross.
I saw JETT and thought for a brief moment that it was Jet Moto. Bring it back, you cowards.