Connor Dickless

AFAIK that update was released a few days ago. I haven’t tried any backwards compatible games since this though so I can’t say for sure if the FPS Boost toggle is active now. 

The only thing that really truly drags 4 down for me is the base-building stuff. I know you don’t really have to do it but it’s one of those game mechanics that always elicits very strong and audible groans from me every single time it pops up. If it’s there, it’s always nagging at me that I should be doing it. And I

I feel like hub spaces have become so prevalent primarily as a way for players to interact/team with other players they don’t know and then interact in a real time setting, effectively creating a sort of in-game lfg hub. But the problem is who ever does that? Anecdotally, in over 6 years of Destiny I’ve never sent a

I’m sure we all feel so very bad for Gerald Leto and his banjo.

Agreeing to disagree is bullshit. Either you agree or you disagree. Don’t beat around the fuckin bush about it. And shocker, many of us don’t agree with awful, hateful and potentially dangerous ideas and ideals and we’re not going to pretend like we do just so you’ll feel better having them, cupcake.

I still go back to Survival now and then and it’s still a great time. Probably some of the most fun I had last gen. The fusion of the battle royale and survival genres really hit a sweet spot. This not being that makes me sad. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a standalone version of Survival either. 

Survival games are something that I always like the sound of but that always push me away. It’s like “I sprinted for 20 yards and now I’m dying of dehydration and need to drink some water. But shit, drinking from the lake will make me sick so I need to craft a canteen out of 4 different items that I can’t find. Oh, I

I really just want them to take the same route that Microsoft has with the Series X/S and just iterate on the previous generation instead of reinventing or making a clean break. Just make a Switch 2 that can play all Switch games with enhancements and doesn’t introduce new gimmicks or another new online service. The

And back down to a 2 hour battery life, no doubt. I’d rather have more power but locked to 1080p60 with HDR.

Free to play with ridiculously overpriced cosmetics within a year. 

Is your PC on a different floor than your TV? Or even a different room? 

Hard to tell from the video but if it’s got real time battles this might be the Pokemon game I dreamed up in 2000. I always imagined an Ocarina of Time style Pokemon game where you’d switch from your trainer to controlling your Pokemon in seamless real time battles.

That kind of stuff is a big reason I’ve only ever done solo stuff in FF14. You hear too many stories like that and I don’t what that game to stop being fun because mechanically it’s probably my favorite MMO.

This kind of thing is why I took a year and a half break from Overwatch. Nothing like getting yelled at for not “playing right” when you’re getting kills and pushing the payload. It stopped being fun, which is 100% of the reason I play games. Now I just play quick play and stay away from comp.

Not much here to push me to buy a PS5 earlier than planned. It’ll be nice to have Oddworld waiting for me when I do though. Still would rather it wasn’t exclusive but oh well.

“Metas” and the like are honestly a stain on online gaming for me. There shouldn’t be a “correct” way to play a game that has multiple ways to play it, and it’s mostly comes down to snobby players trying to enforce it.

I actually thought it had already been shut down (both versions) so this is surprising. I’m also shocked the show lasted three seasons. I thought it looked so bad and got canceled after one. I could swear I remember reading about it, but apparently not.

healthcare pls

Libertarians are the goddamn worst.

I've been wondering for years when we’d start seeing something like Destiny novels. It worked out pretty well for Halo and there's all that tasty lore just sitting there ripe for the picking. This is honestly kind of exciting for me.