
Lots of dragons too..

Apparently Google Maps need to be perfect to protect us from our own stupidity.

Agree. There are so many people driving who should not be. The other day a friend told a driver to put down her phone before she kills someone and she responded by saying “I can’t, I don’t know where I’m going”

Digital maps suck. Paper maps are still pretty damn accurate.

How is this anyone else’s fault other than the ignorant driver’s? If you cannot, without hesitation or question, identify railroad tracks, you do not need to be driving. Period. Fixing maps won’t solve this problem, only better driver training will.

Insurance adjuster currently based in Chicago here. From personal experience over the past 3 years, I’ve gone from replacing a camera or sensor in a bumper once or twice a month, to multiple times a week. I had a customer last winter hit a chunk of ice with her A8, the ice hit right where the right fog lamp would

Does anyone else feel like these new “Driver Safety Aids” are just selling points for idiots who can’t drive? The only ones I’ve been actually impressed with are back-up cameras and blind spot warnings, and even then, neither of those are deal breakers - they’re just nice to have... I cannot fathom why anyone would

An industry serving a bunch of needy, unrealistic customers looking for charity is more like it.

Meh. Insurance companies aren’t magic, and they’re not charities. They’re all math on the inside. If you’re ever suffering from insomnia, go read up on “actuarial tables”. Actuarial tables are basically professional stereotyping taken to the next level.

Maybe these extra censors and cameras and bullshit are the worst for causing bumper replacements to be more expensive? Just make cars where you can see out of the back and we wouldn’t need all that crap.

What do you need to do with a giant video screen that a Ferrari 458 can’t do with an interior like this?

Compromising usability so that Tesla won’t have to commit to a design is a poor trade-off.

All the glued-on wood veneer in the world won’t matter until they toss the TV set and equip the car with a proper interface that isn’t an ergonomic catastrophe.

Oh man. This is so funny. It’s like, you don’t like him, but you feel the need to bring it up and remind everyone that you’re butt-hurt about the election results. I see the humor in this. Really, we all do. This is also the first time on all of Gizmodo that a post that has nothing to do with President-elect Trump has

and every time a lefty gets pulled kicking and screaming from their safe space, they blame “trumpets”, racists, misogynists, and uneducated people for the fact that their own party tanked the election and someone put it all out there in the interwebs for the world to read.. ...

Oh, you must mean how WIKILEAKS exposed the Democrats’ rigging — yes, RIGGING — of the election. #FIFY :-)

You people do realize that accountants build their careers on saving people money correct? Trump doesn’t sit and mastermind his tax avoidance schemes, good accountants and attorneys do. This is the IRS law...the code masterminded mostly by democrat politicians bought and paid for by corporate donors. Tax avoidance

We have electeced the smartest president in our history. Deal with it!

Is any of it illegal? The article stated this is not uncommon among jet owners and it seems he is spreading out the tax instead of paying a large chunk upfront. If it seems unfair change the tax code. Not saying Trump has not done some unscrupulous things but people of means often hire tax attorneys to find loopholes

So let me get this straight, he broke no laws and merely exploited a tax loophole that every savvy businessman would. How is this a real moral outrage story for you virtue-signalling hipsters? God damn I can’t wait until Gawker network is completely shut down.