
Many private sector experts have looked at the facts you’ve presented here, and concluded that the Russian’s are too smart to have left such breadcrumbs. And that its more likely that another actor performed the “hacks” (standard phishing work, really) to make it look like it was the Russians.

Actually, its Ukrainian.

Didn’t say that we should “forget the whole thing.” The wise thing to do would be to covertly continue the investigation, and retaliate behind the scenes when and if we get sufficient proof.

RE: The “hacks.”

The best our intelligence agencies can say is that the “hacks {sic] are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts.” Pro tip: These methods and motivations are also consistent with 100s of other nations and independent hacking groups.

The intelligence reports are so vague and overly equivocated as to be meaningless. I’ve read them, and it wouldn’t be the first time the CIA is wrong. All that was needed was some yesteryear phishing techniques, and some outdated Ukrainian malware.

Many times it is ignored. Many times the response isn’t broadcast.

Lordy. What are you, new? Its not outrageous, its not new, and its not unprecedented. The Russians/Soviets have been trying very hard to influence our elections, our politics and disrupt us as a nation since the earliest days of the cold war.

So am I to believe that if the Russian’s had hacked the RNC’s servers, would you would be passionately calling for us to kick out their diplomatic core because its an attack on our democracy?

Wikileaks said the emails were provided to them from a DNC insider—no hacking.

You really think the Russians haven’t been trying to hack into everything we have, until Trump made an off-hand comment? You really think that was the instigation?

The DNC emails released by Wikileaks come from a DNC insider, not from hacking. So what/who did the Russian’s hack?

According to Wikileaks, the documents were provided to them via an insider, there was no “hacking.”

According to Wikileaks, the emails they got were not from hacking. An insider turned them in.

They didn’t screw with our election. They screwed with the democratic party—supposedly. If they did please state where and how.

Ahaha. Like without Trump’s joking, off-hand comment, the Russian’s wouldn’t have tried anything.

Let me help all of you people who are freaking out. “strengthen and expand its nuclear capability” doesn’t automatically mean a larger arsenal.

They’re legal because they, er, pass emission tests. What they’re in trouble for is consumer fraud, and EPA violations.

How many deaths from “bad maps” were there before GPS?