
He’ll always be there to pick up her dry cleaning.


Also, the fog machine prep prior to the SOTU. Gold.

Your translated Kanye quote has verbs. Though apparently educated, he would undoubtedly tell you “He not.”

This. I’m from southern Alabama and Trump is making it ever so more socially acceptable to be overtly racist (again). It’s infuriating in its subtlety, and the practitioners, as usual, are incapable of seeing it. These are the same folks who want a white history month and think that white males are being oppressed.

Hadn’t considered the inarguable point of Littlefinger knowing Ramsay’s sociopathy. Spot on.

Feral Rickon. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read on the internet in weeks. A+

That could be really interesting. Do you know if they’re doing the documentary trope like the Office or Parks and Rec?

Actually ironic. Is this a net positive or negative for Alanis?


I love that he watched Braveheart twice, though. Almost makes we want to ungray the guy.

Has anybody done Super Storm Troopers yet? That could be excellent: