
Ehh.. in some circumstances, sure. But wouldnt it have been easier to.. i dunno.. NOT use a character so closely tied/related to a movie character they cant use? Thers a shit ton of mutants, both popular and obscure never shown on screen nor mentioned. Use some new characters that arent slaves to their source material

“Nudity swearing and blood ads to realism” is really good advice though, I’m glad someone in the io9 comments is aware that the best way to add realism to a

That’s the part that baffles me, too: Netflix obviously spent a fortune on this show, with enormous sets, well-done CGI (mostly; the flying cars look like shit), large crowds, etc. etc. And yet the show itself, in terms of the writing (and I’d also argue, the directing, since a lot of these actors are way more

Perhaps the better question is why cyberpunk in general is full of sexuality and hedonism.

Is it because people are sitting behind their computers reading & worrying about rape culture so much that they’ve become incapable of going out into the real world and finding healthy sexual relationships?

If that is the case you need to get out more, real life is full off nudity

I’m with you - here we have a world where people can be downloaded into new bodies, cloned bodies, cyborg bodies, synthetic bodies, and they can inhabit virtual worlds of infinite variety and co-exist with AIs (who might also potentially be able to inhabit physical bodies or robots) - and we get fist fights and

It’s not prudishness. Look at all the porn you want, all that’s being discussed is whether or not nudity adds anything to the story in exactly the same dissect any part of film. Adding lots of tits to The Thing would make it a worse product, adding lots of tits to Harold and Maude would make it a worse product.

How so? I mean, in my real life, I see a lot of nudity watching TV, but that’s about it. I see my nude body, I see my husband’s nude body, but I can’t think of anybody else’s nude body I would see other than an actor’s. And I can’t think of anybody else likely to see my nude body, unless they are a medical

Westworld had a similar relationship to casual, commodified sex. I think this reasoning worked a little bit better there because the people in the series are not used to the sexual morality presented in the park, so they comment on it directly. Kind of a lot, actually. But having the characters in the series comment

I think part of the problem is that one of the weaknesses of Altered Carbon - which I generally liked, incidentally - ends up being a bit of a dilettante when it ends up attempting to discuss the very profound issues that it raises.

And it doesn’t get much more interesting, either. The writing is by far the weakest link of the show.

I did get that impression from the show, that the casual nudity was meant to be of a piece with the casual violence, showing that people were less protective of their bodies now that they were considered interchangeable and separate from the self. Still, if that was the sole intent, you’d think it would’ve had more of

I’m watching it now, so far I see a lot of fancy visuals and nipples, but it’s not grabbing me, doesn’t seem very interesting.

Specially since, at least in mythology, so many men get pregnant:

I thought the secondary purpose was to highlight a woman’s primary purpose in life is to be the harbinger of the greater man. /s

I’ve engaged with a few forced birthers online, and they love to quote the Bible where it says, “I knew you in the womb.” I then have to explain that that was a historical honorific among the Egyptians (and probably others), and not anything special. If I’m really pissy, I point out that the Egyptians tried monotheism

I feel like the TNG episode is “The Child” is the worst example of this. Diana has to endure (yet another) paranormal sexuaL assault, pregnanacy and a child for like a few days and then after it’s over and he turns into a ball of light his explanation is “I wondered what it would like to be human.” and everybody is

Don’t forget the secondary purpose of the supernatural pregnancy: it gives the writers a chance to skip the annoying baby and young child years and skip straight to the new character being a young adult after they’ve written themselves into the pregnancy storyline corner.

I hate this