
Normal cows, bulls, and horses can hurt people.

Yeeeeessss... that piano stuck in my head for days after seeing it. Still one of my all time favorite films. And one of the saddest films ever made. Not that the whole movie is just an exercise in trying to make you cry, but the implications of what unfolds for the main character are just devastating on a visceral

Yes! I was thinking the same thing!

Every aspect of the scenes looks familiar, but it feels like we’re following the story of those background cyberpunk characters that aid the main character and disappear. Like the typically mysterious bartender or the shady surgeon. Who knows, this might turn out to be a really special movie!

Cyberpunk can be so fucking cool.

I guarantee you that this robot was originally designed to look like Hillary Clinton and they just retrofitted it to look as much like Trump as possible.

Robot Barack just needed to do the Jim Face.

Seriously. I don’t think that man has had visible cheekbones since 1990

The account is now suspended. What’s the reason though? I mean, even the president of the US is spreading fake news without getting suspended.

Except for the criminally-long tie. LEARN TO TIE A FUCKING TIE FUCKO.

Disney knows what it’s doing. You know one of the Imagineers is snickering somewhere.

It looks like Godfather-era Marlon Brando in Trump drag.

Yeah, but usually the “lifelike” parts of minute body motion and skin tone are more difficult to pin down than here.

They did get Trump’s “pants too high, tie too long” detaisl correct.

Lots of people use a nom de plume.

I’m Japanese American and I find it offensive. And Charles, as another racial minority, is infinitely better able to comment on the problem with a white guy pretending to be Japanese than some anonymous weeaboo.

The admission comes after multiple insistences from people within Marvel that Yoshida was a real person who was not Cebulski. As Johnston points out, Cebulski himself went so far as to insist that he’d “seen” Yoshida within Marvel’s offices and at various conventions, but at no point did he make an effort to explain

If this was always understood to be a pen name, then it’s really no different that the pen names that writers and artists have used for centuries. If, however, he was representing himself as an Asian person in negotiations regarding his writing as some sort of value added, that’s another thing entirely. Your quote:

Stan Lieber came of age in an era where Jewish writers faced discrimination, so he took an Anglo-sounding name. So right from the jump this is a really bad analogy.

So if he were Japanese it wouldn’t be racist, but because he’s white it becomes racist retroactively?