
I think it might be an Allen family trait (outside of his moderate acting success Keith is basically unbearable), here's to Alfie never talking in public so I can keep liking him.

It is known.

My favourite is the afore mentioned Brain Deacon...I mean I have no idea how good a Jesus he makes, but I like the one of the twins from A Zed & Two Noughts was the big J in a very earnest evangelical bible movie.

The main show I can think of which that applies to is 8 Out Of 10 Cats, which is Channel 4.
The big offender on the beeb for the shitty treatment of female guests is Mock The Week which gets by without a mention in this article.

I'm still waiting for Francesca Martinez to make the jump to TV, she's already a regular on The News Quiz so she's got plenty of panel experience under her belt (speaking of which The News Quiz regularly does a good job with its line up).

QI has definitely made an effort where others have not, they've had several all female line ups, and thanks the the structure of the show guests never fall into the "here to be laughed at" irrelevant celebrity category (Jamelia seemed to be the go-to woman for this on many panel shows for a while).
Missing from this

If this had been the video for "Tonight" however... :/

Brace yourself for the neat illustration if this that will be whoever gets cast in the Olivier Colman role in the US (not sure exactly who's making it) redo of Broardchurch.

Also reads really weird with him referring to Dr King by only his first name, kinda tempted to retweet it the night of the Game of Thrones season premier.

I'm also not fussed about them cutting a non recurring female bit part when they've taken the far better step (compared to the original books) of not fridging Mary Watson. Actually fridging is giving Mary version 1 too much credit, she was written out between stories 'cause it was a bit easier to not have to

I do feel sorry for the men at events like these, the ladies all get to dress in huge array of awesome, terrible, beautiful dresses and out fits and guys get...a tux, or, a slightly different tux.
Just look at Dinklbatch up top there, the difference is a waist coat and a hanky for goodness sake.

Tricky to film them using the local station without everything getting a bit too meta though...

This was my first thought also! Dammit Denny's you were so close!

Good god I did a watch and read comparison from what's given in the Buzz Feed article I was all ready to say that I've seen honest adaptations with less taken from the original text, but that's actually a massive understatement, I think this is one of the closest adaptations of any work I've ever seen.

Literal translation is "King of The Beef", so probably a steak house.

We need to take this thing all the way, bring back vellum books! I've had it with this paper bullshit...

I'm starting to think the number of tasty and useful things we can get off geese may be the only reason we've allowed them to continue to exist at all, I mean they've got serrated beaks and they hiss! For fuck sake what kind of bird hisses?!

Quite. It's not about stopping people making disastrously poor choices (because people will alway find a way), but preventing suppliers from taking advantage of consumer naivety and selling shit that could permanently disable or kill them.

There's an entire movement of people who do in fact think cooked food doesn't count as food and you should eat everything raw.
They tend to be vegan so at least it involve raw meat or milk but needless to say their diets are depressingly limited.