
This show is so poignant and poetic. I'm glad it's a thing that exists.

I'm really liking this show. The poor reviews are making me sad. It's better than Love I think.

I saw this for free and genuinely enjoyed it. The movie isn't good but the jokes absolutely are, and after the weirdly boring intro action sequence I was laughing consistently the whole movie. This movie will bomb, but it's a shame, because there's genuinely hilarious stuff buried in here.

Great, great album that really resonated with me, although I think their newest album, Metropole, is probably their best both lyrically and musically.
"So I write down shitty words, I sit in titty bars, I text and tweet and look at nudes and beat off in the dark"…

This was a good episode and I know this because I only comment on reviews of episodes I liked and I felt compelled to comment. Workaholics is my TV comfort food. Plus even my mom likes it.

Great ending to a great season that really was on am upwards trajectory the whole time. I gotta say that the first half of this episode had me laughing harder than any show has in a long, long time. It's astounding that they can pull this off 11 seasons in.

This. Arnett is a phenomenal comic presence. Just seems to like the easy money of boring sitcom stuff and cheesy movies. However, this looks pretty good to me and I'll give it a shot.

You are absolutely right. This idea came to mind to me as well when I saw some people trashing Love, but you just articulated it way better than I could have.
On a side note, Love was awesome. Girls is terrible. This has nothing to do with any of the character's looks. The writing and character building in Love is 100x

Every few months I pop by the AV Club and there's a song I like by a band I like and it has about 6 comments. I think their target demographic for this stuff is literally just me. I am a niche!

The Falcon are a good fucking band and this is a good fucking song. By that I mean, it is good for fucking. But it's also a good song in its own right.

new album is sounding pretty badass too. can't wait for it.

This was both awful and awesome. Brendan Kelly is a cool guy.

I've been drinking and had to reset my password just so I could comment on how good this was! It was worth it. This was really funny.

God damn this episode was hilarious. Frank's life is as bizarre as I'd always imagined. This also really explains all those times where Frank is clearly out of it/looking to a completely different part of the room while the gang is scheming. A+ from me, just like last week. This season is really on the upswing.

Loved it. Felt like season 2 in all the right ways.

B- is WAY off base. Looking at it from a sheer comedy standpoint, this was the best episode since Frank's Pretty Woman in season 7. A+.

Despite hating Dane Cook (and forgetting Pauly Shore's existence), I actually really liked this and it got me stoked for the rest of the season. I'll forever love this show solely because the cast is so damn funny and can sell even the weakest scripts. Can't wait for some Jillian goodness though.

I'm actually excited to see it (although I might wait until chea Tuesday). Not too many comedies these days just give you an endless barrage of stupid jokes and non-sequiturs like Ted (and presumably this one) did, plus I found out what the Liam Neeson cameo was and it sounds fucking hilarious.

I really liked it. Saw it in theaters and bought the blu-ray. It was harmless fun.

That monologue may be in my top 5 ever. Masterful.