
As I've said before, it's Gawker and nowhere else is reporting it so it is untrue. If it were ANY other news outlet I'd be a little concerned and suspicious but it's fuckin Gawker.

I've been listening to punk bands do that stuff for my entire life.

That whole Gawker thing is them fishing for publicity and attention. Until actual evidence beyond the bullshit they spew is found I wouldn't pay any attention to it.

I love this god damn show. What a great finale.

I just don't understand how a show can have its best season 10 seasons in but I'm not complaining.

Fine by me! The more Chang the better

I just can't get over how solid this whole season has been. I really hope it comes back.

Both episodes were hilarious and cheered me up after a rough couple of weeks. Can't wait for more!

Loved this episode. Genuinely hilarious. This season feels like a massive return t form and it's a bummer that more people aren't taking notice

Really liked this one. It was just so gleefully stupid that it worked.

I'm really liking this show. fully on board after this episode. It really does feel like it could be as good as Breaking Bad. I am very aroused.

Another hilarious episode. Sunny has been so effortlessly quotable this season too ("I'm Frak! SHIT!", "Think of the smell, YOU BITCH!")

DeVito definitely knows what he's doing. At this point he has perfected playing Frank and plays the senile, depraved old man better than anyone ever could. I also love those background Frank moments you're talking about, they're in every episode and add so much more laughs upon multiple rewatches when you finally

Jeff is the man! This rules!

This episode was a god damn masterpiece

As I mentioned earlier in here, this show is so self aware with its stupidity that it makes it even funnier. It seems like some people just aren't in on the joke. I laughed multiple times throughout this episode, and I wasn't the biggest fan of last season. Seems like a return to form for them comedy-wise. Less gross

Season 9 is my favourite because season 7 is my favourite! Thundergun Express, Chardee Macdennis, The Gang Gets Trapped and of course Frank's Pretty Woman make that season automatically untouchable.

Plus Adam's scene in the classroom is one of the best things this show has ever done. It's self aware with its stupidity and it's all the better for it.

Season 9 is my 2nd favourite Sunny season.
Maybe I'm weird.

I have missed Sunny so damn much. I think Frank Reynolds will go down as my favourite TV character of all time. This premiere ruled.