Trouble Bruin

I think that’s one element, but another is that Wonder Woman’s central thesis (that War, as an external force embodied by an immortal god with an absolutely fucking ridiculous stuffy-old-man moustache that has no business being in flashbacks from thousands of years ago, is really behind the evil in all men’s hearts)

Dawn of Sorrow’s touchscreen ‘seal’ mechanic can go die in a fire.

Hold on... so you’d be tempted if it was all 24 games for $50, but you’re offended that it’s instead three packs of 8 for $20 each? That’s only ten bucks of a difference.

Calling it now: because WiiWare has just closed down, the Castlevania collection will include Castlevania ReBirth, and the Contra collection will include Contra ReBirth.

> you’re dealing with a not insignificant chunk of the commentariat that feels personally attacked every time the subjects of race, sex, gender, identity, and representation (among others) are broached

Yeah. She replaced Terrence Howard.

Alexa was in Cocoon 2: The Quickiening?

Has Courtney Cox weighed in on this yet?

Hipsters? What about people with functioning taste buds? Cheap coffee is fine, but sh*tty coffee is unacceptable.

Hipsters? What about people with functioning taste buds? Cheap coffee is fine, but sh*tty coffee is unacceptable.

This is because of the Hobbs and Shaw trailer, isn’t it?

This is because of the Hobbs and Shaw trailer, isn’t it?



“Reader favorite”...?

“Reader favorite”...?

Not like Folger’s is hipster now? Folgers?

Not like Folger’s is hipster now? Folgers?

I’d rather eat my own shit than even purchase from Folger’s. Not to be a pedantic asshole, but you’re not an afficionado if you’re suggesting this.... However, I suppose you can be an afficionado of mediocre coffee.

I’d rather eat my own shit than even purchase from Folger’s. Not to be a pedantic asshole, but you’re not an

You don't need to be a hipster to know what's up.

You don't need to be a hipster to know what's up.

I mean... Folgers is pretty terrible. I’d rather drink Chock Full O’ Nuts, and it’s pretty close to bottom of the barrel.

I mean... Folgers is pretty terrible. I’d rather drink Chock Full O’ Nuts, and it’s pretty close to bottom of the

Probably a bunch of Gen Xers with 2.5 kids who find it to be the best part of walking up, or millennials who can't afford Maxwell House with the money they make on Fiverr.

Probably a bunch of Gen Xers with 2.5 kids who find it to be the best part of walking up, or millennials who can't

People have terrible taste.

People have terrible taste.

You guys are basic as fuck. Foldgers is literal bottom shelf shit.  

You guys are basic as fuck. Foldgers is literal bottom shelf shit.