Trouble Bruin

The <insert thing here> o’s have been this weird trend in tshirts I’ve noticed lately. The first couple I saw I thought were clever, but it quickly got into beating a dead horse territory. I suppose making actual cereal now is the only logical conclusion.

Marty, you have to come with me.

Um... yeah it is.

up providing you a surprise Proctology exam.

Any mission that had me saving PewDiePie or even a knockoff of him would end in an intentional failure. Hell I’d pay money to the game just to be allowed to kill the guy on purpose...

so... “*yes” ?

The part where he advises readers to make in-app purchases to expand inventory slots made me laugh out loud at work. He didn’t even try to hide the nakedly promotional slant of the “article.”

I’m surprised to report that I’ve found the answer in a free-to-play mobile clone. Wait, don’t leave!

Tell the truth, is this a ‘sponsored article’?

You lost me at mobile.

To the man’s house who does...

It should be included in the article, on a gaming site, about the game.

It’s really helpful if you put the platform in the first few sentences. Was hoping Switch, but alas.

Yes, I got that you were trying to make a joke. I pointed out why I didn’t find it funny: if your audience doesn’t find the football player’s actions improper (as I didn’t), then it’s much less serious than flipping off the camera. The requirement for some ironic symmetry between the situations fails. (The GIF was

Like flicking off a camera comes with penalties. These two situations are responded to in a similar manner. Saying otherwise is grounds for a joke, maybe, but not a funny one.

How is the dancing improper?

Letting fascist symbols go unchallenged is not the way to the future, like you imply.

You’re close there with the cross, but the cross was a symbol of genocide when pretty much every religion was fighting some way or another. As for ISIS, they’re a band of lunatics trying to establish a state in shitty parts of syria and iraq, not that comparable with a fascist empire that spanned most of europe, had

“One pill makes you taller and one pill makes you small/and the ones that mother gives you don’t do anything at all...//” 😉