Trouble Bruin

This is the truth, folks. If I put an espresso shot into my hot chocolate, it doesn’t become coffee.

Hey - can anyone tell me if there is a person of note on the cover of Softporn Adventure?

I still have Blue Suede Goo’s theme in my favorites playlist.


He lowballs with $200. Pete threatens to walk, then Jameson offers $300 and names it “the standard freelance fee.”

It was “the standard freelance fee.”

Did I you notice that they had ascended?

They really are the worst. It’s so hard to not reply to each post all the way down: fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, fuck you...

Here comes another load of shit from some of the most boring, unoriginal, bitch-ass trolls ever...

TTK is required. I bet you could find the disc on the cheap.

Aren’t they for sale at Shaxxx and the faction leaders?


I just brought my vendor Nirwen’s up to 340. That stability...

I sincerely wish I could dual-wield The Devil You Know and The Devil You Don’t.

There are lots of FB groups with friendly people. Also,,, and have been far more beneficial to me for matchmaking than the app has.

My favorite is Rapmaster Rocket Racket.

Is it going to stay that way, though? They said 400 will be available via the hard raid. Non-raiders like me have it good with CoE/IB/Trials these days.

Ooh, good one! A sick burn with a sci-fi theme! I’m actually having more fun riding on your mistakes, (or really, your parents’ mistake), than most. By the way, the “c” in Christ should be capitalized.

Ooh, I’m so sorry. You might be able to find some “subjuctively” attractive women in cosplay to whom you could jack off, and then bitch about the quality of their cosplay; that might be (very briefly) exciting for you!