
I’ve always respected and admired nuns. (Not entirely sure why, but Mom went to Catholic school for eight years and was taught by actual, wimple-wearing, ruler-wielding nuns, so that could have something to do with it.)

If you’re “very impressed” with this piece, you must’ve been crapping your jeans in 2016 when journalists were writing longform pieces analyzing Milo’s Twitter rants and Richard Spencer’s fashion sense before we collectively remembered these people don’t matter and they faded back into obscurity.

The judge was very clear in sentencing that she wasn’t jailing Grace because of her missing homework but because of her violent behavior at home. I don’t agree that institutionalizing Grace was the right move when her mother wasn’t on board, though. This kind of paternalistic attitude from the judge is bullshit. Grace

Beyond systemic racism and black incarceration, I think this is a story about how we’re continually failing to support the parents of mentally ill children. Privileged parents shell out a lot of money for specialists if they can—this is what happens when they can’t. Biting her mother at the age of fifteen is a huge red

“Man who makes game featuring sexually suggestive women makes sexually suggestive comments to women.”

Oh f this chick. Seriously. You don’t get to seek out a guy with comments about bdsm, transition into how you like sex art and then suddenly act uncomfortable with a conversation YOU initiated and are PERPETUATING.

Poor Britney. It seems like everyone in her life saw her as a cash cow and took advantage of her. Her parents turned her over to the record label, who pimped her out to the public. It seems like all of her family members road the gravy train and are still living off of her. 

Until I dated a black woman I had no clue about black hair. So I handled it how I handle most things about race that I’m ignorant of: I kept my mouth shut. 

This is how a Black girl with 4C natural hair looks after a day of playing around outside and being carefree. All the kids look cute and the “after school” photoshoot theme is unique and adorable. You can lay your kid’s edges to the gawds at 8am and they’ll look like they went through a wind tunnel by 3pm, and that’s

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

Good on them for keeping this going, hope them all the best.

Wishing this group nothing but success. 

Children rebel against parents by doing the opposite of what the parent wants. Kanye is still a child to this day.

Google seems to say that Kanye’s dad very openly tried to talk Kanye out of the Trump stuff— in fact, Kanye has given interviews about this exact thing. His mother also was an accomplished English professor who was known for her work on black liberation.

In an alternate reality, Kimye got destroyed by a pack of antelope. I’m kinda interested in peaking in on that universe.

I am also mad at Wendy Williams.

Wow, there’s a lot to dislike about this story. That douchey banner pic of a young man who looks like he listens to a lot of Hollywood Undead, the fact that a professional organization is called “Faze Clan,” everyone’s dumbass online monikers, the fact that a Fortnite World Cup exists, this tweeny interpersonal drama

Nah, you’re dismissed.

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.