
“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”

I don’t know, bro, but did you ever consider being a better husband?

Have you been watching the national press? He’s having a bad time. Dude’s presidential ambitions are dead.

If Republicans don’t want us to get abortions, they should make it easier for us to raise children without losing economic gains. And they should also shift the focus to men’s accountability. Did you know that 100% of ALL pregnancies (both planned and unplanned) are caused by men? Shocking, I know. Maybe they should

Clearly the problem is not enough guns! 

He’d rather the children die in the mines or factories or poor houses as “God” intended!

Women have other problems besides abortion, namely Republicans.

I’m being sarcastic, btw. Hard to tell with all the sad wieners who troll here.

Jeez. Can’t you broads think about anything else?

Yeah! Let’s talk about the pressing issues that are really on women’s minds: Hunter Biden’s laptop, the armies of violent, woke, militant trans people and arming Pre-K school children.

Yeah let’s just get off of it ladies. Can’t we talk about the scary Mexicans you saw when you were driving to Starbucks this morning?

“When his sister got pregnant at 17, she went to live at an anti-abortion maternity home until she gave birth and put the baby up for adoption.”

I must be caught in the 40+ algorithm, but my Instagram feed indicates the muumuu is making a comeback. Quite a difference from this.

Her medical records will say “completed abortion”.

If there’s anything I love it’s “as a spouse of. . .”

A D&C is an abortion, no matter whether the fetus is viable or not. Neither the Youtube or the People article say anything about a fetal heart rate. But Jessa Duggar Seewald is connected and cashed up, and that gets you a different kind of care in Arkansas.

Rules for thee, not for me.

I mean, saying it would have hurt their reputations is probably as honest as it will get, but these are the same people that think Ezra Miller is so talented that he keeps getting work when by all accounts he should be put to pasture.

Is she attractive? She just looks like another one of those blondes.

It’s a shame he’s a piece of shit, yeah.

More like the boss is punishing them for trying to stop his assholery. This guy been skating for years as a kind of dick and this is just too much now.