
WOOOOOW!!! Now THAT is a sweet fucking revenge move like no other. I bet the fallout was insane!!! Though, if we’re being totally frank here, and I was the girlfriend I’d make backup’s and send those (and make it known I have the originals) to the ladies involved. Shit, I’d send the tapes directly to husbands or SO’s

Yea, I... errrr, she went scorched earth on that bridge. The story only gets better, but will not be put on a public publication due to possible legal repercussions at some point down the road;) Good Riddance I say!

This is almost as good as my “friend” who had her child’s deadbeat father car towed to a parking lot after kicking him out, and then proceeded to fill it with used baby diapers after she got a myspace message from the other woman informing her she was knocked up with his kid also.

See, and I LOVE Emily! But I loved her older stuff when she was doing the maxim (was it maxim) or some “gentleman’s magazine” content stuff. It was pure gold, but I feel you on the oversharing stuff it has gotten old.

Yea, I’d be oddly more offended with that type of thing. Like, you can’t even come up with a basket of stuff yourselves to send me in a time of sadness when something that tragic happens?

This is the gif I came here for!

The baked bean flavor struggle is real. Get that shitty fake maple syrup outta my beans!

Yea the gore pictures got really painful after a bit. Hate the greys (because I am grey everywhere but here), but understand why it’s there:/

I agree with your statement, and while also not black - can understand the concern of the author. It’s really really crazy out there right now for folks of color (and yes, we get it all lives matter hivemind, it’s crazy for everyone at this point), and this isn’t an exaggeration sadly. I know if this man showed up in

There are general rules that you need to follow. No human skulls, no overt gambling, and no violence towards kids.

You can’t school people who think the earth is 4000 years old. They clearly have no intention of actually believing facts.

Actually I shipped an MMO over there a few years ago, and we had to get government approval for that. It took months and months.

yea, the husband absolutely had his hand in causing this to happen. Can you imagine the other shit he’s said to her while blasting her as mentally unstable to those around him?

I used to throw dolls I painted bloody red at those fucks outside abortion clinics with their signs. While as a older wiser woman, I wouldn’t do that for legal reasons.... I dream about it when driving by and seeing those assholes outside harassing people to this day.

I have a 9 year old and we have known a few Masons over the years, no Greysons though. That thread is depressing though, naming by committee is not the way to go in my opinion!

Chyanne is also an option.

Well they sure were right in this case weren’t they?

You’re still going? shhhhhh take a few deep breaths there and calm yourself bucko, you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Haha, a day after I’m still getting walls of text that start out with “you assholes” referring to being a Bernie supporter...but we’re the problem!

Yes, “us assholes” thank you for writing a wall of text that I can ignore because you clearly are part of the problem:)