
Yup! and still going being sore winners about the whole thing.

I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, and I think all of us in this conversation is VERY aware of keeping that guy out of the White House. Shit, I’d vote for a block of stinky cheese at this point if that meant Trump wouldn’t become our next president.

I could also see that. I think both sides were shitty to each other throughout the whole thing, and happy it’s over.

Me too, while my man didn’t win I know that my ire against the system I have personally doesn’t come close to my desire to get that orange primate away from the White House this election season!

As a middle age’ed lady who is feeling the Bern, I totally agree with this statement. Her supporters were the most condescending assholes on any social media feed I had.

How many wars you think she’ll get us in the first 4 years before the republicans get their shit together and get their man/woman in there? (totally serious question, IMO we will not be getting out of the middle east any time soon with her in office.)

..or your newborn baby is sleeping in the other room..

The flowers comment is spot on, I work with a bunch of artists in a dark room where no plant could ever live for more than a day. I wish I got to see daylight.

I donno, I took mushrooms with my best friend at the wise age of 15 in the woods of upstate Ny. Ended up taking a 4 mile walk up a goddamn mountain barefoot, only at one point to lay in the road for an hour or 2 and get stopped within 200 feet of my house by a cop at 4 am asking where my shoes were. It was an epic

I would have seen that thing, walked right towards it and go “ok, let’s just get this over with, you’re a fucking wolf.” just to get it over with. No way would I have thought to do that!

I have a sneaking suspicion I am missing an ongoing joke, but this thread made my day regardless:)

Oh I’m not trying to be negative, I’m more talking from first hand experience. Personally, I’d have my kid draw up a sweet pirate and make sure the assets were made during development. That would be a neat gift to them when they got older. I don’t think it’s a bad thing they went this marketing route, and I’m sure if

I thought the same thing! I’ve seen some amazing character creators in my days (City of always had the best IMO), but the sheer coincidence that they had a library THAT big to work with for this kids pic is most likely not the case.

Doesn’t everyone who’s lived through the 80's or 90's have one though? I am totally down to hear a good coke story!

I love game history articles like these! It definitely humanizes the games I used to drool over and idolize when on the pages of EGM as a kid. Even now that the curtain has been pulled back for me personally (work in the game industry), stories like these never lose any coolness factor.


yea, the construction company that came out of bankruptcy just for this project! God the whole thing could be Hollywood blockbuster. Who would play some of the people involved? I’d like to see Sizemore and De Niro play some of those roles:)

Aww I was so excited about that site too. I’m not sure we ever met personally, but knowing we had a fan site before we came out was super cool.

We knew all the conditions well before we relocated there. We had to move the location of our studio before we even rented the place out because of those provisions (we HAD to be downtown, and not in Pawtucket where is was about 4x’s cheaper per sq foot).

I can’t take credit for KOA, that was the Big Huge team in Maryland and I worked on the MMO in RI. That team was great through, and got the screws even harder than us. 38 Just stopped talking to them when the crap went down and left them in the dark, it wasn’t cool.