
True, but I’ve worked at companies that were going through trouble and there were always signs to point to that. Snacks dry up, fancier drinks go away, dinner stops being served for free when we’re crunching.

So I worked there, and he did have his heart in the right place on many things at that time when things were good. His heart was not in the right place when he was lying to us about where we were at with money and pretending we’d be ok.

He wants to be the next Kim Davis.

...and that sock got into the hall of fame, unlike this pussbag!

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing page.

The first comment being from a pro Gamergate person was pretty much what I expected when going to the band page.

Don’t worry they do.

While I totally agree with you, it’s not the sex workers but the skeevy “guests” that have been parting there for years that would freak me out. Shit Bill Cosby being there is enough for me to believe there isn’t enough bleach in the world to clean that place up.

I have a very close friend that worked at the Chelsea Hotel (I’m from upstate area, Albany, so anytime one of my friends “made it in the big city” we were all excited and clung on to their dream like it was ours.) Sadly, he partied in one of the rooms that was being renovated with his buddy and that gentleman od’d and

Yea, sadly the people putting these things on haven’t figured out many of us industry folks have grown up and don’t like that type of setting to network in anymore:/

Funny Story, I went to a GDC “women in gaming” panel in 2005. I was about about 30 minutes late, and ended up walking into a room filled with dudes playing DOA 4 on a projection screen.


No, I totally agree. In fact I had a comment drafted up when I compared my personal experience with this guy. I had a chance to slowly expose myself though my first game being popular with a large group, and a support network to lean on when the shit hit the fan when things didn’t go so well. He just got thrown into

Yea, I’m with you on this one. The skin I’ve had to grow after a decade of doing this is beyond thick. I’ve worked on some real stinkers too. If this guy can’t even handle the heat from a decent game then he should get out now while the going is good.

I would give this a million stars for both using the term dribble dicks in the context of GG, and the fact you enjoy shitting on morons as much as I do!

I didn’t say that I didn’t give a fuck, just saying going in the grays over a comment I made that was true wasn’t a huge deal. I figure I’ll be out of the grays at some point down the road, just don’t let the fear of being grey stop me from voicing anything:)

In the same idea, but different game. I keep hearing the rage about Blade and Soul censoring their game for the western audience. It’s funny because I actually interviewed for a position 3 years ago at NcSoft to work with Team Bloodlust to get them to make it more “westernized”, and ready for the NA audience. The guy

It’s weird, and really annoying - though I see why they do it. I’ve been un-grey’ed and then grey’ed again when I disagreed with a mod’s nonsense and let them know what really happened. I think it was the comment “you should really google someone before arguing with them about a situation they were there for.” was the

Great article, though some of it a little too close to home for my liking.

I understand the whole man-tantrum thing he pulls for attention, but Kanye in his full glory these days does not come off as someone who is well when it comes to ones mental state.