
Same, and have to agree it’s looking pretty real.

No worries, I really hoped it was him because I love to hate on Kanye - but that dude at your honey table sounded just like I imagine the cry baby man boy Kanye to sound. And yes, dude at the table was a total asshole, kudos to your boss for telling it like it was!

I really really want this to be true, and wish I could watch it on video. Godspeed to your boss, they were doing god’s work when reminding Kanye what an asshole he is.

I’m a game designer, I’d LOVE to take a stab at that game! we could make it like the Phoenix Wright game.

It was at 38 Studios. HP at least had enough funds to pay the people it laid off after the fact- 38 employees won’t be so lucky when it comes to recouping those losses.

I know, I worked there:) And look at well that worked! I still am owed 10k+ for back wages I’ll never see, Had my FLEX spending money stolen, got my 401 locked up for almost a year due to possible deceptive practices with our matching funds, and was razed by an entire state when they found out where I worked until I

He actually started off as a Walker/Fiorina supporter, so that says even more:)

You aren’t alone, I do believe that both these men didn’t have a fair trial and should get one. But I wonder even when they do and if they are found guilty, that won’t be a good enough answer to those who have been fighting for their freedom regardless of fair trial or not.

Yea, I see how all of those things are maddening when it comes to all of those things. It’s funny, I’ve dealt with companies that aren’t ready for those types of issues when the game launches and it totally effects the long term enjoyment of that product.

I’m not sure about the contempt part, but I’m interested in hearing how that impression came about from the player base (other than the day zero patch for Champs, because that was a kick in the dick to all of us.)

Though, lets be honest here - that whole Atari phase was a complete shit show so they have at least upgraded a bit:)

Being an Ex employee of 38 studios myself, and being directly burned by that fucking asshole and his thieving ways (at least when it came to having us come into work for weeks knowing we wouldn’t be paid) I agree 100% with you on the fact that Curt Schilling is far far more stupid on every possible level than any

Aww I worked on both of these, and am sad to see the stupid shilling that has to go on to get people to play them.

No, but I also know that’s a 2 way street so I can personally overlook it while playing.

I’m with Edge, I’ve been playing since yesterday with no issues logging in so far, I hope that doesn’t change!

..and I shipped game in China last year, and B&S was the number 1 on the baidu index the entire time we were developing...They were our biggest competition by far in the China market.

It doesn’t help that those videos have the quality of a high school multi media class quality to them either. I honestly thought they were a joke at first, and then really sad because they weren’t.

That’s really good to hear. Those ladies have been though enough, I’m happy to hear they will be able to get that much for what they have been though.

40 Thousand dollars instead of the 400 k that each of the 20 women would get from the 8 million settlement. Though we are talking about lawyers, so 40 pesos may be more on the money.