prissy elliot

I need a conveyance like this to go from sofa to refrigerator and back. Perhaps with a spur that runs into the bathroom.

I still like Lisa VP too. Besides Kandi and Nene, I think she really makes the franchise.

Of course the Stormy Daniels bit isn’t even what the investigations care about. Trump’s son approaching who is now known as a Kremlin informant, THAT is the real issue and one the people of the United States should care about. Stormy Daniels is just the gossip people apparently care about.

IDK if I should feel sad about her and Drake not being friends anymore or not. But I forgot that dude was really laying it on thick at the VMAs...

Is this really a surprise? It’s been pretty well known since long before he even ran for President that Trump and fidelity weren’t really on speaking terms.

You’re making the mistake of thinking that Trump’s base has consistent values. It’s all about resentment. They love Trump because he puts the libtards/blacks/Mexicans/gays “in their place.” So they ignore corruption and criminality, so long as he makes liberals mad!

One of the many, many exhausting things about this administration - and the election leading to it - is moments like this where events tease that finally, finally this will be what topples Trump.

And it never. fucking. happens.

Trump, a compulsive liar, has only told one truth during this entire nightmare, and that was

There’s an odd irony in the fact that Kanye might do more damage to the Kardashian’s reputation and business than they’ve ever done to his.

The only reason I can see for Kanye going off like this is because he noticed that there aren’t as many people making music for angry white boys anymore so he’s trying to get that demographic. putting him in a residential treatment program if necessary.

Kim still needs to grab her man and shut him the hell up.

Same, Julianne’s husband, same. I feel like I spend at least twice as much time as my partner trying to keep the kitchen clean.

Colbert absolutely scorched Bush and the press during his set. But calling out a liar who happens to be a woman is a bridge too far? She is a big girl, she can take it. Or she should be able to, anyway, if she’s worth her salt.

but she should actually hold it a month because the charts are being wrecked by post malone and drake

They didn’t misunderstand it. They’re deliberately spinning it another way to suit their retarded agenda.

I want to end all of my conversations with his sign off: “Sweetheart, this is watergate, goodbye!”

Cab drivers have to earn their medallions and pay a shit ton of money for them. They have a lot on the line. Uber is any rando who signs up.