Pvt. Duane Doberman, U.S. Army

Ahh yes a Lebron Stopper. We saw how that’s worked out the last decade..

He’s from Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Baserunning.

The first thing you learn in sports writing school is that if they don’t play on the East Coast, in Chicago, or in LA you aren’t required to remember their names.

This is only Josh Reddick’s ninth season in the majors. Understandable mistake

I don’t think Manny’s born again Christianity has anything to do with not wanting to hurt his opponent. He’s pretty fine supporting violence against the LGBT community because of that religion and also supports Duterte.

“I don’t know! I might be able to talk myself into Griffin, Beverley, and DeAndre Jordan forming the core of a feisty, fringe playoff team.”

They got Paul George for a ham samdwich taped to a Cool As Ice VHS Tape. Word to ya mutha.

It’s a good bet this is where they’ll be.

You are aware that boxers are commonly referred to as “fighters” and a boxing match is typically referred to as a “fight,” correct? And even technical or defensive boxers are known as “technical fighters” or “defensive fighters.” And he’s 49-0. If Laura had called him one of the greatest knockout artists or sluggers,

Now playing

“Every morning, he jogs the 47 miles from his two-bedroomed, eight-bathroomed, six up, two down, three to go house in Rygate to the Government Pesticide Research Centre at Shoreham. (pause) Nobody knows why.”

AARP Kinja?

More like Homer Bailey.

Right, and they eeked out one title run right in the gap where there were no super-dominant teams. Not really the case here.

I know this has barely anything to do with the Story, but can you try and source stuff from British tabloids that AREN’T The Sun? It has been banned in Liverpool and we are hoping to ban it in other cities across the country. It is a truly horrific paper, and I know of SO MANY people who will not read anything linked

Can’t copyright titles, so he’s cleared for takeoff! #blackgrape

I loved the live action movie! I found the scenes with Mr Gruber’s trainset and the caribbean-style musicians particularly poignant, given our horrible treatment of foreigners and refugees lately. Post-war we were broke and yet still found room for them, whereas now when we’re a rich country with enough to go

I know this is Jezebel and you love to be snarky, but the live-action Paddington movie was critically acclaimed. It’s a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes

I didn’t think the live action movie was that bad....actually, I found it rather charming and sweet at parts.

Gosh. I found the live-action movie delightful.

The more said about the excellent and charming 2014 movie, the better. (And his cameo is wonderful.)