Matt Harvey seems unhappy about his new role within the organization.
Matt Harvey seems unhappy about his new role within the organization.
“I Already Have A Black Friend, Thank You Very Much”
“Make America Great Again” was a much more convincing campaign slogan than “We Literally Hate Everybody.”
In Samardzija’s defense, it must be difficult for him to remember which team he plays for.
With all its success, Simmons just should name his new site Can’t Land.
I always wait for the end credit scene when Buscemi decides to hilariously go agro in the store. It was also the first time I really saw Buscemi as more than just a highly talented character actor. He had some amazing moments throughout the film and carried his weight as a leading man well.
I agree with everything Rich said about Enid, except the race/skin color part. It had nothing to do with being white, it had everything to do with feeling different, rejected, isolated and alone.
I love your post - thanks for writing it.
So what’s your take on the (in my opinion, excellent) “Blues Hammer” scene? It seems me that it’s making a pretty big statement on race.
uhhh.... I’m a South Asian Muslim immigrant and Ghost World was my #1 movie in 2001...shit, I watched it a thousand times on dvd and I was obsessed with the graphic novel and the website. I graduated from high school the same year the movie came out and I hated everyone with equal passion like Enid and Becky, and my…
Nobody who watched this in 01 would have guessed ScarJo would go on to become the huge megastar. Thora Birch absolutely killed it and I’ll never get over her crazy stage dad killing her career.
I agree they guy looks like an oxygen thief.
I cannot stress enough how irrationally angry Malone’s whole “white trash Amish” aesthetic makes me.
why don’t you want ghosts to have adventures, duane?
Panthers fan here. There was concern last year, coming off his ACL injury, that his weight had ballooned. Early on in the season, there were reports of Panthers FO and coaching staff people grumbling about his “conditioning”.
Charge then passed on to Cobb County taxpayers.
I don’t care about the context, this is inappropriate and unacceptable. You want to joke about this kind of shit in teh teacher’s lounge that’s one thing. Taking time to make up a certificate, sign it, and present it is quite another.
Far be it for me to criticize Richard Sherman, but if he’s still going to be grumpy with Wilson about SB 49 he might want to consider that they had a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter of that game and his number 1, bad-ass, we-never-take-blame-for-anything defense couldn’t hold it.
For the love of god Patrick, get out of the house!
Are the Lakers 100% guaranteed to take him at #2?