I say they witness someone getting mugged, do nothing, and they all get tried for their crimes against humanity.
I say they witness someone getting mugged, do nothing, and they all get tried for their crimes against humanity.
Small world- I actually read both of these books as part of a theology program I took part in after I got my bachelor’s degree. As much as I find this guy’s politics distasteful, these books are actually incredibly compelling. I had never considered myself a spiritual man at all, but the program took place right after…
Yes. Speedy singles hitters routinely become 50 HR guys overnight during the height of the steroid era without assistance. It was just the creatine!
Please, man. You know no one grows sideburns like that off lean chicken breast and high reps.
“Drain all what?”
Oh so that’s how they got those grill marks. Thanks!
Oh so that’s how they got those grill marks. Thanks!
Well, you know, those who can, do. Those who can’t, mentor abject failures who will never amount to very much of anything at the professional level and should probably just stop right now and go ahead and open that insurance sales office before they make a bigger fucking embarrassment of themselves.
We’re still pretending this is MJ’s biological daughter?
so confused, cause Michael was pretty black before plastic surgery or disease.