
I think it's more one of those situations players so rarely find themselves in that it gets relegated to "The Attic of Jukes."

lol wut

Sure, but the score — clearly visible on the screen — shows that OSU was up 34-28 at the time?

And therefore you visit this site because?

Cool. Definitely be sure to keep writing the same 76ers article over and over again with slightly different wording.

There's actually an ounce limit on the amount of beer/malt liquor you can buy at a bottle shop. I forget what exactly, I just remember college days of buying 2-six packs, walking outside and leaving them in front of the store with a friend and then having to head back inside to buy 2 more six-packs. I think the limit

lol log off

Thanks so much for clearing that up.

Thanks so much for clearing that up.

Who do you think she's going to kill?

Wow, you're right. I never thought about it that way. I get it now: All lawbreakers deserve a very public death. You know what, next time I catch myself doing a few over the speed I'll just save the cops the trouble and swerve right off a cliff.


Oh, well. By all means, then, run it into the ground; you're so close.

Nope. "Bad" is still synonymous with "awful", "terrible" and sometimes also "dumb as hell."

This is a good and original joke.

Anybody going to star this post? Nope? Good.