
Right on Princess. How about an OG husband? Organic and original... Didn’t you write a song about that?!

The fears and insecurities these “anonymous” women are projecting onto SSM and International is disturbing. The fact that they are attacking Superstar Machine and not taking responsibility for their own choices makes me ill. If you don’t like SSM, move on with your life already. No one is telling you what to do here.

funny ... but sorry to break it to you, superstar machine isn’t a cult.

oh good. yea, numb the pain with alcohol

Your description of Superstar Machine sounds very inspiring and non-cult-ish to me Allison B. I like what you brought in about SSM encouraging members to feel free to ask any questions which has been my experience too.

I would love to see you take the haters to the stand Brooklyn Chick.

I couldn’t agree more that International supports authentic expression. It’s amazing hearing your perspective and how you’re supported to be you! That is my experience too. Being supported to be me!

Yup, my man is so grateful to Hot School too. The first healthy relationship I have ever been in my whole life. He listens to me and honors me just I as do him— HEALTHY relationship. Oh and the leadership I am able to hold for him is incredible. Again— this article only talks about one side. Over simplification and

Ah what a relief to read this. It’s so upsetting reading countless accusations of SSM & IHS being a freaking cult which is so ridiculous. I agree with your experience 100%. International is the best mentor and totally saved my life. Furthermore he has made me capable of being super successful in every way!

Thanks igotwords. This is great! Superstar Machine is def not a cult. In my opinion, this article is a huge misrepresentation of something and someone who I have ONLY seen help people. It’s really a shame because I can see how people would get the wrong idea reading this totally fucking skewed perspective!

This is being said over and over to the women speaking up for Superstar Machine. I don’t know how on earth Anna Merlin’s article could be viewed as anything other than a long, drawn out attack on this group.

Trying to cover the tracks of slander.

I don’t think members of a cult would speak out like this.

You don’t think Anna’s article was an attack on SSM?

It is very easy to judge all of this upon reading the article, the accounts of all the victimized women who went through the machine make that so. I honestly would probably be thinking the same if I were you. However, neither the author nor you have experienced this group and although I didn’t go as deep as others I

Yeah and some websites are cults too, aka Jezebel.

Crappy graphic for a crappy, way-to-long, gossip article.

I doubt anything or anyone gets up there.

Here here! Sounds fun:)

Seriously. My eyes glazed over shortly after this article started. And then I kept thinking, “There’s more? There’s more?” Oye vey.