
Except that you totally shamed and blamed and (attempted) to destroy an innocent and peaceful man on a humongous worldwide platform; opened me personally up to vile criticism as well; and hurt a lot of people who really care about this work. (MEN AND women.)

Double triple star Hannah! Beautifully said.

totally! I definitely wouldn’t want a GMO, factory farm husband!

well, we’ve been replaced in the headline by an article about how Drake shaved his beard off.

Awesome Harvard Hottie! My husband feels the same way. If anyone knows what I do for a living the last thing they would call me is submissive, subservient and a “follower.”

Millenials have long ago decided that college degrees are now worthless in our economy. So it’s funny you would bring up her lack of degree as a shaming thing.

Thanks :-)

Yeah the Forum is bizzaro. I once almost got recruited to that. This is not that.

oops I wrote under “THE” Central Park- I must be in a CULT!

Hey Cringe - or is that Chiara? Nice to hear your perspective. Thanks for sharing.

This was like, totally awesome, like rad Super Hottie Hannah, ohmigod! Ha ha :-) I love the part about intuition. I concur, being able to use intuition is everything. So grateful someone finally knows how to teach people how to actually use it.

Ha ha exactly the cult of Jezebel! Where people are told what to believe and sequestered from any opposing viewpoint. They then can consume and feed on the contents within and anonymously attack from the comfort of their big lazy office chair in their bunker.

But now that you mention media strategy...I’ll be on INSIDE AMY SCHUMER JUNE 2 at 10 PM! (Shot from inside our bunker in the jungle under the watchful eye of the guru!!!) The latter is a joke, but yeah really I’ll be on Amy Schumer :-)

thanks sally :-)

I am awesome because I am me- exactly! And he has helped me be as awesome as I can possibly be by helping me with some of my sabotaging issues. Have you never had someone help you in your life, a teacher, mentor, etc.? I am not dependent on him- rather I believe in his teachings and they’ve helped me and my marriage

really? I’ll get my webmaster right on it. thanks!

I am but way taller, hotter and actually sane. About to jump on Oprah’s couch right about nowwwww!

Media strategy? Ha. As someone who does have to use the media in my job and has for twenty years, I can tell you there is no media strategy for this or for his work. International’s work is revolutionary and speaks for itself. He is not the typical modern day guru who is trying to be all over social media and promote

I’m pretty sure everyone hated on Bill Wilson exactly like this when he started and now millions of people have changed lives because of him. International has already started changing the world and time will tell. If I were someone reading this I would want to study under him just based on the strong responses- it’s