
Where does this madness end? It’s frankly ridiculous to insert asparagus into the story of a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father and can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is

I feel very comfortable assuming that people who say niggardly know exactly what they are saying, and why they are saying it. It isn’t a simple mistake.

That’s a long-winded way of saying black.

Is she related to Biggus Dickus?

Damn I’m confused.

Obama criticizing Trump is just fuel for Trump’s fans and a distraction from the issues, Obama knows this. There are plenty of people better situated to criticize Trump.

“Just follow the laws and don’t get arrested and accept the consequences when you do get caught breaking the law” -Rich White Men

“Well I think it’s unfair. Throw more money at it to go away. This is going to ruin my future. Please give me some leniency” - also Rich White Men

Babies test a marriage, and toddlers test a marriage. I think it can be as simple as they very much wanted a baby, and went through some amount of hell to have one, and then when the baby finally arrived the fissures in their marriage cracked open. It happens all the time, and five years is a common break up point.

Wouldn’t ISIS claim responsibility for any terrorist attack? We just take their word for it?

Japan, do you want Molemen? Because this is how you get Molemen!

Not sure, but I am confident that online shopping has saved the USPS as a whole. They were in bad shape for awhile and did a wonderful job reinventing themselves.

Can confirm.

Of course police told them they did nothing wrong; prostitution is completely legal in Horry County.

“That was some weird shit.”

Not a single Indian recruit, not a single Caribbean agent- not one character on the side of the heroes for non-white viewers to imagine themselves as.

Because Roxie is not who this movie is about. The writer was writing about Eggsy, and his journey. That was the writer’s choice. Should he, if he decides to write a story about an East Ender like Eggsy, NOT introduce a strong female, because if he does, you immediately think it now needs to be about her? I think it is

But there was a woman physically kicking ass in that movie, it just wasn’t THAT woman.

You know, I love it when people randomly criticize any kind of scientific investigation that doesn't advance their personal agenda.