Princess Sarcasm

(Silence of the Lambs would ultimately win Best Picture.)

Keep at it! Sometimes she runs, sometimes she hides, and sometimes she’s scared of you. But all she really wants is for you to hold her tight! Be with her DAY AND NIGHT.

I just want Britney to be happy.

Now playing

I insist we see more of One-Dimensional Female Character, though I suppose we may have seen all of her dimensions... I enjoyed this entire episode. It was very pleasant. And that was the best use of Zamata so far. She's otherwise only been Rihanna/Michelle Obama or random stock background characters. Ooh, and the

The sad truth is, and I say this as a Black man, is that the wider public in Europe and the U.S. buy fashion magazines and a lower rate when women of color are on the cover. The problem is not with the magazines. They just want to sell mags. The problem is with the public and the rest of society that is still racist.

Wow. All of the rest of Annie can bite it and I'll applaud it for having this involved with it. (The CGI tears are just beautiful.)

I got the place! I move in in January!

Run. Do not walk. Go directly to the lease signing.

Guys, I got an offer on an apartment next to a bus stop, a quarter-mile from my school, fully furnished, utilites included, for only $450 per month. I save $6000 per year on university housing!

at least she has black friends now!

Why the crap didn't you go with them, Ross?

I worked for an EXTREMELY disreputable publishing company that was constantly being sued for sexual harassment, and our holiday parties (really, all parties) were pretty legendary bacchanals, so I was not super thrilled to have to plan one. I picked a lovely hotel bar near the office, we arrive around happy hour about

My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas, and as such, is almost always the day that my office chooses to have their holiday party. This has happened several times over the years with various jobs, and it is generally uncomfortable and has occasionally gotten weird.

The most memorable, however, was several

A previous manager (worked in high-end retail) got her start in at Walmart and she said this thing would happen quite often in the layaway department around Christmas time. People would come up, cash or card in hand, ask for an account that hadn't been paid off or asked there was an account that had a certain standing

YOU GUYS. If you live in Bellingham, Massachusetts, you have to be super nice to every bubbly older woman you see from now on. Just in case it's her.

People differ on the raw eggs thing. But, never ever deprive yourself of eating raw cookie dough!

Does she really carry an orange pen and wear orange-y scarves to reinforce her pathetic, self-proclaimed 'Princeton' brand? I'd like to complete the look by stuffing a large Navel orange into her mouth so we never have to hear any argle-bargle from her again.