All they have to do is perp walk a murdering cop. Instead they arrest CNN.
All they have to do is perp walk a murdering cop. Instead they arrest CNN.
To think this would be solved a lot faster if Zero Tolerance policies extended to public officials instead of poverty-stricken drug USERS. But no, people in power shouldn’t be held in a certain higher standard.
Damn you. This is a legit sad moment
Oh man, that kills me every time =(
The squirrel sequence has always stuck with me.
I love the cranky owl, Archimedes:
I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet…
That was some “Get Out” level manipulation on display.
I think there’s a sizable group of liberal leaning white people - both women and men - who fit that description. Most younger Democrats supported Bernie, but didn’t turn out to vote for him in the primaries. And they probably do get off having Trump in office because he’s perfect for their performative outrage.
Or, stop looking at my fucking crotch.
Remember, these are people whose ancestors were kicked out of Europe for being too prudish.
Amy, honey, allow me as a white man to say this to you: you could have had an innocent man killed, you fucking sociopathic shitweasel. You deserve all the scorn and all the hatred that Twitter et al can throw at you. You deserve to lose your job because, let’s be serious: what person of colour would feel comfortable…
Americans are bizarre.
That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African…
I just feel bad for actual people named Karen. My cousin is an elementary school teacher just living her life and being a good person, but now her name is equated with these assholes.
I love dogs. I once owned a bulldog that never walked anywhere. But the one thing I can’t stand is people who let their dogs run around off-leash when they are specifically told not to. I like to go hiking out in the woods and even on trails where they specifically require dogs to be on leash, I will occasionally get…
I have always figured that since guys can adjust and scratch themselves in public without being ejected from society, cameltoe and VPL are equally acceptable. Not ideal, perhaps, but I can’t be convinced to care enough to wear thongs or fold up a pantyliner in the front of my underwear (?!?).
The way her voice changes on the phone about being “threatened” ... all the while she’s chocking that dog. That’s evil, and normal, and fucking disgusting.
This video should be a college course on privilege. She knew she could summon the police and sic them like rabid dogs on a black man. The fake tears at the end was diabolical.