School’s can limit student speech but I have only seen cases where students used sexual innuendo or promoted drug use. I wonder how this type of speech would play out?
School’s can limit student speech but I have only seen cases where students used sexual innuendo or promoted drug use. I wonder how this type of speech would play out?
I find it hard to have a strong opinion because, frankly, I have not extensively studied the North Korea and its history with the U.S. For now, I’m withholding judgment. I am vehemently against Trump and his policies but not so blinded by hate that I am rooting for failure just because I don’t like him. So, if any…
If I had billions of dollars I would just build affordable housing for all the struggling people in Seattle. It’s a band aid over a bullet hole but at least people have temporary relief from the elements. I would also double NIH or CDC or UNHCR funding or prevent the extinction of elephants.
Have you seen RuPaws Drag Race on Instagram?!
I have bipolar disorder and I’ve been committed to a psychiatric hospital twice for suicidal behavior. You can get out of the dark places that seem insurmountable. You can survive. We tend to think that money = happiness and statistically it doesn’t (although access to therapy and medication is obviously important).
At the end of the day, she used her celebrity status to do a good thing. I’ll give her a pass on not seeing through Trump’s reasoning. He seems to respond more to celebrities so please line them up.
This seems to be making a misleading or false claim on why she committed suicide. It was apparently premised on what her estranged sister blabbed about to the press (and there are also sad reports of her being motivated by her husband, so who knows). No one, except the late-Kate or maybe her closest family and…
The thing about this case is that the issue was narrowly tailored. It wasn’t about whether he can or cannot refuse to design a wedding cake based on his religious beliefs. It was about how the Colorado Commission treated him when he tried to explain his actions. He may be an ass, but the Commission was hostile towards…
Goddamn it I shamefully like the pink shirt (if it was cheaper and didn’t have KW written on it). I also shamefully like KW’s albums (excluding the last one) because he is arguably pretty talented. I can even overlook most of his antics because it seems obvious that he is playing us for media coverage (also some of…
Another statement I say to people is “death is not the worst thing.” When people say, “well then you wouldn’t have been born” I respond, “yes, and I’m okay with that if it would have spared me (or my mother) from suffering.” There are situations now where I think dying would be preferable to living. It isn’t so scary.
I can’t speak to the black experience, but I feel like a black person wearing “blackface” (they’re already black? Drake’s African-American right?) is maybe akin to black people saying the n-word? I think black people should have the final say in whether it’s offensive for a black person to look like a white person who…
Also, someone feed him Tide Pods
Do you know who immigration is going after right now? Doctors! And not just your run-of-the-mill doctors, doctors from the best medical schools in the U.S. and abroad who are working at Mass General, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo, Johns Hopkins, etc. The best part is that their arguments are so bad that I have to teach them…
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers detained Hernández on May 9 and “determined that she had no status to legally enter the United States; she was processed for expedited removal,””
Despacito 2017! I liked to pretend that I spoke Spanish when it came on.
If the women who are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term gave up their babies at the hospital to become the state’s problem I wonder if they would have a change of heart. Heaven forbid we ask the state to care for all these babies.
Lest Americans think that what is happening in PR does not affect them, there was a critical shortage of IV fluids in hospitals in the months after the hurricane due to the fact that many of them came from facilities in PR that were destroyed. The Boston hospitals that I work with sent out emails instructing staff to…
Confession: Sometimes I’m jealous of my single friends because they can do whatever they damn well please...evening yoga class after work without feeling guilty about not spending time with your spouse, sleeping in as late as you want on the weekend without someone guilting you into enjoying the day, etc. I love Mr.…
I think there are PLENTY of problems with law enforcement and police culture, but I try not to label all officers as bad (which I don’t think you’re doing BTW). Most genuinely want to help others and care about their community (although getting frustrated with all the dipshits and drunks is understandable).
Please tell me you are a local and can confirm that many of the museum’s visitors are there for shits and giggles and general mockery because that would be me shitting on someone else’s religious beliefs like an ass. No shame.