There was a woman on the T (yes I live in the snow hell that is Boston and yes the train was delayed) sitting next to me knitting a wee mitten - not cat-sized but basically anything I say is "+ cats = infinitely more awesome." :)
There was a woman on the T (yes I live in the snow hell that is Boston and yes the train was delayed) sitting next to me knitting a wee mitten - not cat-sized but basically anything I say is "+ cats = infinitely more awesome." :)
There's an old viking signature that basically says the same thing in the Hagia Sophia. You're right - people never change.
I have already decided that I will not change my diet at all when I am pregnant. You can go choke on your prenatal vitamins.
This year's Halloween Costume. Although it's a close tie with another idea I've wanted to do for a long time- "Sexy Martin Van Buren" with muttonchops of course.
No, to the Knot. Seriously, way to make people feel like shit for your stupid advertising campaign.
Smart bitch, that Hillary. ALL of her emails, even the most mundane, would probably be twisted out of context into some smear campaign on Fox News because "Murica. I think she knew exactly what she was doing.
Lovely, isn't it? I think we reached 40 degrees today for the first time in like forever. Heat wave!
Unrelated question because I'm a bit ignorant about how these schools are handling rape allegations aside from fucking up royally.
True. But some religions are very against cremation (example Jews, especially now, for obvious reasons). I guess you could bury your relative in your backyard? But what if you move? Bringing back mass graves would be really upsetting to some people, again Jews, for obvious reasons. What about military cemeteries?
But will she spike it with Valium so that everyone can experience the real-housewives effect firsthand?
I bet these kids have a better chance of being hit by lightning TWICE while being bitten by a shark AT THE SAME TIME than having "over-vaccinationitis"
The real question - WHY in God's ever-loving name would you marry someone that isn't a functioning-adult?
This was years ago, but I remember watching a film in anthropology class about the different ways gender is portrayed around the world, and there was this section on men getting castrated as a part of a cultural/spiritual practice. I believe it was in India and the person gets a sort of baptism afterwards. Again, this…
Ava Anderson diaper cream. It's quite wonderful and smells great. Actually, I've started using Ava Anderson everything. I wash my hair with their pet shampoo (it smells like fresh mint!).
Don't you love how Isis (RIP) has been an adult dog for that long though? If it weren't for the real Isis they would have had her live forever like a twinkie.
This reminds me of that HBO documentary about a woman living paycheck to paycheck. People criticized her for getting a slightly expensive haircut. There's this negative belief throughout society that people living in poverty must serve penance for their poorness. Poverty is soul-crushing. Just because you're poor…
I read an article about a tweet Emma Watson received when she started her endorsement for the HeForShe campaign with the UN. A girl said, "I want to be an engineer but my father said I can't do that because that job is for men. What should I do?" Watson's response, "Be and engineer." I think there is a cultural…
They better have booze too - top-shelf - and an unlimited supply of Opus.
"young, hot little girls..." I would feel a sick, perverted sort of justice if she met her maker, while armed with a gun, and see if she has the strength to fend off an attacker and the skill and presence of mind to actually fire the thing.
Please, God, let this be approved for all of us crazy people. I currently take a hefty anti-depressant, mood stabilizer, and the occasional anti-psychotic or benzo. My libido can't find its own asshole.