Why does she have to like cats? Is the cat going to be there? With little cat protective eyewear?
Why does she have to like cats? Is the cat going to be there? With little cat protective eyewear?
She comes from France too and no one has ever seen her papers. Of course she came over to steal a job. Any American could hold a torch.
You have to write it in MRA-douchespeak for them to understand it:
If the Statue of Liberty is ever destroyed in a terrorist attack, the odds will be 50/50 as to whether it’s Al-Qaeda or the GOP that is behind it.
She’s a woman holding a book she must be dealt with appropriately.
Imagine being so fragile that you think the STATUE OF LIBERTY is somehow a liberal conspiracy.
And the light is from the West, but it’s sunrise, so...I don’t know what the fuck East meets West apocalypse on a Titanic type scene is being displayed that’s a coded message for libtards
You’ll notice the red (dress), white (skin), and blue (background) that signifies the French flag. France the country that gave us the baguette. Baguettes that get stale after a few hours. Hours, not theirs. They’re trying to steal our country.
So, is Carney’s point that the Statue of Liberty was some kind of secret before Stephen Miller’s moronic statements last week? Like, she’s never been featured in a widely distributed photograph before so this can only be a reference to his racist shit talking at the white house briefing?
And his supermom, has, no question, had to eat a ton of shit and fend off a ton of grope entitled assholes in her life—she just didn’t tell her kid about it.
I hate it when men respond to these stories with anecdotes about the women in their life who took no shit. You can be a quick-thinking badass and still freeze in situations where you’re being assaulted. It has nothing to do with how strong, smart or brave you are.
New mad respect for Taylor Swift. She gave excellent answers to all those questions where the lawyer was trying to put the onus on her to have done something about it, rather than the perpetrator who shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Bravo!!!!
I think this is a little chauvinistic, but if my fiancee (girlfriend at the time) told me someone grabbed her ass at the bar, I’d flip a shit.
I think millions of women read that line and nodded in agreement.
When I was 22 I was in a crowded city plaza celebrating Independence Day, and men kept grabbing my boobs and crotch. At first I was in shock, thinking it was some kind of accident, but it kept happening again and again. Finally I started reaching down and digging my fingernails into their hands as hard as I could,…
Fucker can burn.
You, me - and MILLIONS of other women. I hope this garbage POS never works again. I’ve worked with plenty of his kind. They think they can do anything because we’re “nice” and won’t reveal him for the sexual predator he really is. Fuck him.
Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”
The first couple of milliseconds, I thought it must be a mistake