Thank you! Kitten heels are fugly with or without the current administration.
Thank you! Kitten heels are fugly with or without the current administration.
Great, a bunch of blonde, straight, white women representin’ 🙄.
This sounds prett mansplainy from a non-researcher. You have valid points, but your last paragraph is bullshit.
She’s a control freak! I don’t care for any of these ladies, but Giada is just criticizing everything they’re doing. It seems like they’re just like, ok fuck it.
One time I had vaginal issue (can't remember) that needed medication. I didn’t want to take the medication because you’re not supposed to 1) drink or 2) have sex while taking the medication. I was a party gal trying to get back together w my ex, so I just let the queefing continue. One day I laughed, pushing out such…