Our nostalgia wells have been drained dry with all the reboots, re-imaginings, reconstructions and revivals of old…
Our nostalgia wells have been drained dry with all the reboots, re-imaginings, reconstructions and revivals of old…
Yeah you don’t get it.
except it feels like you do want to victim blame...........
And if you read the court transcripts, he is told multiple times that he is not promised any particular sentence and that jail time is a possibility, and acknowledges that he understands this. The fact that he’s acting like he’s a big old victim because he didn’t get away with only serving 40-odd days for child rape…
This rapist not only groomed his 13 year old victim, he then drugged her with a qualude and alcohol. This rapist then proceeded to anally rape the 13 year old presumably because he thought that vaginal rape could be detected by hymen test. The rapist then made the 13 year old promise not to tell and then dropped her…
Got room under there?
Yup. And Wynona Rider’s career disappeared for 15 years because she shoplifted.
I watch syndicated Gray’s Anatomy episodes while I’m at the gym, and it’s weird knowing Katherine Heigl was reduced to doing cat litter commercials ‘cause she was kind of a bitch.
A rapist who used his position to gain the trust of his victim before raping her.
Even beyond the grossness of his certainty that everyone is a pedophile, it’s more than a little telling that Polanski doesn’t include women in his concept of “everyone.”
I’m going to defer to Calvin Trillin here.
R I G H T? Actually, dumbfucks, he fits the profile of a mass shooter to a T, as they are almost exclusively white men.
I want to punch all of the reporters pointing out that he doesn’t “fit the usual profile” not only because of his age but because he is white. Some of them have practically said straight out that it can’t be terrorism because he is white. But of course, most acts of terrorism in this country have been committed by…
Why do you own semi automatic weapons - what do you plan to shoot with them?
Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.
I feel like kitten heels were in because no one really wore flats back then. But yeah they’re ugly and stupid.
Why wear a kitten heel when you can wear a regular heel, no heels, sandals, those free foam flip flops they give you…
Especially after 8 years of hearing “Not My President!”