
I actually think this is silly and super performative on the mom’s part. Acknowledging your baby’s apparent biological sex doesn’t mean gender norms or even a gender has to be forced on them. If everything looks standard down below, as the vast majority of genitals do, you can tell what sex the kid is with great

I wanna join! My dad called me out of the blue and asked for a kidney. No thank you.

Creepy/disgusting detail #2,752 in this case: calling pills “your friends” especially in light of the fact the Hello Friend Foundation is in memory of Cosby’s murdered son.

You forgot the capper: yesterday, she made sure people know how wonderful she thinks Mel Gibson is. Hey, Diane, I think we’ve solved the mystery of your lack of friends.

I want to give her 10 Mother of the Year Awards. What a phenomenal advocate for her daughter. Brava, Gianna Constand!

I’ve never heard a single negative thing about Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Isn’t that a crime? Genuinely curious if he can be arrested for inciting violence.

So I found this interview where Sofia Coppola says why she cut the character of Hallie:

Stories about people standing up for themselves/others and being punished for it depress me more than anything else.

Terrorist. Lets call him a terrorist because that’s what he is.

I have to speak up on this one. I have had the da Vinci morcellation surgery to remove a gigantic fibroid and it changed my life. Without it, I likely would have had to get a hysterectomy in my early 30's. My recovery was three days with minimal pain and scarring. And I still had my fertility.

I mean, they can change your attitude and perspective, sure. But you don’t walk around tripping for the rest of your life or anything. Every now and then I can stare at a pattern and sorta picture what it WOULD be doing if I were tripping, but that’s about it.

Anyone else have a big change in their perception of the world or way of thinking after LSD/Shrooms? Someone once told me you’ll never be the “same” after taking them (not while on them, afterwards) and now any kind of focused light (street lights, accent lighting) on object like house, trees, etc.. look fake like

In regards to picking the wrong mushroom. If you ever wanted to know if the mushroom you just picked is a “magic mushroom” then after you have picked the mushroom the stem will turn blue. That’s because of the psilocybin in the fungi. The psilocybin reacts with air and will turn the part of the stem where it has been

And just how does one get them these days? for research...and asking for a friend...

Jane Doe and her husband were performing an original song about motherhood

It also says she pulled the kids hair back and shook her. If this happened it is on tape, they’ll get her. But I don’t believe the physical.

I was trying to buy a cardigan online yesterday, like a regular cardigan with buttons, and I had to sift through so many “cold shoulder cardigans” which is just obnoxious. I want my cardigans to have shoulders.
