
True, but there is no reason a total stranger would ever give his wallet to a stranger willingly. So the fact that a stranger is caught with someone else’s wallet is almost proof of the crime in itself (although it doesn’t always mean the person who has wallet is the person who took it.) But strangers have sex all the

it means that’s what he pleaded to. it doesn’t mean that’s what happened. i’m a criminal defense attorney, i don’t know the facts of his specific case, but i would advise any client to not go to trial if at all possible, both in general, but also specifically after the brock turner sentencing. people are thirsty for

he “has been trying to get famous” just as much as any other artist, regardless of race. and you are insane if you don’t think there have hundreds of conversations and think pieces about the beastie boys and race and appropriation, and overall social responsibility. you don’t see them on the forefront of social

i don’t know him but i googled him and he appears to be older. i figured he was probably close to retirement anyway so if he got disbarred it wouldn’t matter to him the way it would to most others

this is so dumb. you apply the same standards to black people? i’m a black woman, born in kentucky. though not a celebrity, i moved to new york when i was 12. my family in ky listened to bluegrass, which was dominated by white people. when i moved to ny and played the fiddle in my teens, was i not being authentic,

i agree. and the person he replied to asked him to apologize to janet. i’m not saying he handled that situation perfectly, but honestly, i don’t really remember a lot about it either. i do know he ripped off her shirt as part of pre-planned choreography and she was equally as responsible for that situation. other than

i’m sorry to hear you have had to carry such a heavy burden. i’m sending you positive vibes.

im not disagreeing about the statistic or what should be included. but people survive suicide attempts by gun all the time. i get that it’s generally more accurate than other methods. but even a “hole in your head” is recoverable, and you said it’s not. although it wasn’t suicide, my ex was shot in the head from a

i am not saying that she was “only” involved from the beginning for money, but the reality is- in this type of civil suit, money is the only remedy for damages. She argued defamation from a statement that Cosby’s attorney made two years ago after she joined other accusers as a“Jane Doe”, in which he generally

why would she file to begin with, then? i understand the decision but don’t know why she agreed from the jump. maybe lawyers trying to convince her b/c they see $$$

the judge didn’t exactly “block” Cosby from dismissing the complaint in the way I think you might be suggesting. i’m not sure if you were implying that the judge’s ruling was favorable to the accuser in a way that reflected the quality of her case, so forgive me if i’m reading too much into it. in that case, this


bobby is not a nice person. he regularly attacks people for no reason and clutches his pearls in faux moral outrage. i can’t with him. Mean Girls on steroids with the ability to publish

i lived across the street from her father, in louisville, for 5 years. ive seen her countless times at block parties, basketball games, and just around the neighborhood. she has always been incredibly delightful, very gracious, and kind to me. did you meet her in a professional capacity? wondering how we had such

so you interact with her on a professional basis? im trying to figure out how she would interact with the music dept of talent agency?? or maybe u just see her around or something?

right?? wow gave his name and shit. that’s terrible. some friend

that’s not true at all and a terrible idea to perpetuate

As far as the John Lennon reference, I only know of the Playboy conversation, in which he said:

good for her for replying. she could have publicized the email address of the hater, but she didn’t, which was classy. and i agree that molly “looks great” but isn’t the point also that even if she looked less than great, that it doesn’t matter, so long as she’s clothed and does her job well? i also think anyone who

in this situation, i’d agree. but there may be times when people post pics or record video to preserve to scene or capture the attacker or to identify the victim. again, i dont think that’s what happened here, but id be cautious of the legislation you’re suggesting