
i don’t know what the laws on restraining orders are like in tenn. but it could be a statutory issue created by the legislature rather than a problem with the judge. i used to live in a state where you could ONLY get a restraining order if you lived with the person for a year and/or were married. for people who were

i won’t quit my day job, because i’m a lawyer. i argue for a living. you’re proving how good I am at it. Thank you for the opportunity to show off my intellectual superiority. I do feel badly about destroying such an unworthy opponent. I’ll pick on someone my own size next time.

nothing in the posts you linked to “appear to confirm things about their relationship that many of us have suspected for a while—specifically that it was at least partly a business arrangement or publicity stunt”. the posts mention that she controlled the media the day of the breakup, and he calls it “this situation”.

you began your response by saying that you “never insinuated” that Hillary was responsible for what bill did. but your precise words in your original post are: “Bill Clinton also got favors from Epstein...and now it’s reported that Clinton also visited Epstein’s sex slave islands. Where’s your outrage at the

“if it’s a hoax, the motivation and desired outcomes are not clear or intelligible.” what part of $100 mil in damages is not clear or intelligible?

the reason she originally filed lawsuit without an attorney is because attorneys can be sanctioned, fined, and have their licenses revoked for bringing claims that they know are false. every time they file any legal paperwork of any kind, they are certifying that the claims are at the very least- arguably valid, that

i read that too. but how is hillary responsible for what bill did?

it’s not that wordpress is too lowbrow for me; it’s that you are.

Lol, oh Bobby. Bless your heart. Disney CEO made a generic non-statement when asked a vague and stupid question about Johnny Depp’s personal life. But you’re ready to burn him at the stake for being cool with domestic violence, based on...your spidy senses? olivia pope “trust your gut” theory? colbert’s “truthiness”

i’m gonna keep it all the way real and admit that outside of the context of this article, i don’t know who the guy is. it seems like what he (who is clearly hated, and apparently a terrible person) may have been saying is that independence itself was achieved without a single bullet being fired. no? im certainly no

ha, fair enough. i work in law, and since scalia’s death, I’ve heard a lot of joy, jokes, and reveling in the fact he passed. I know for many, he’s more of an embodiment of what conservatives represent than he is a human being, so i suppose that makes it easier to gloat about his death. I’m a very far left progressive

but the deterrent argument is the same argument that white people make about drug dealers and gang participation, which we know disproportionately affects poc. if you care about racial justice in our justice system, you probably want to back away from the “making an example” out of someone line of thinking. it only

i’m a former federal public defender and ive had clients of color who also pleaded guilty and received similar sentences. if she hadn’t pleaded, and the government took the time to prepare for trial, the sentence may have been steeper. but white privilege is real, most definitely. im just not sure this is the case to

yeah of course chris brown assaulted that guy because chris brown is an angry black man who is totally incapable of ever evolving! to be fair, it might be true, but im not cool with how comfortable we all are for keeping him in that corner. he witnessed abuse as a child. that does not mean he gets a pass, but if he

lol. idk man. college isn’t for everyone i guess? the industry ruins people. that’s my final line of demi defense.

i know, i know. i have a soft spot for young people on a crusade to show the world how smart and kind they are

haven’t seen this, but last time i saw cho, she looked super unstable and was not funny at all

I’m not a huge Scalia fan, but he’s someone’s father, ya know? And someone’s granddaddy. I can’t help but to see him as a person, despite our massive disagreements. So many people fight to live and breathe, and I dont like to laugh at jokes that revel in the fact that someone passed away. I know im oversensitive, but

i feel sorry for her for two reasons. 1. i doubt she came up with the idea for a lawsuit herself. whether it’s her family, her community, or our nation as a whole, she is the product of our society. she is relatively young and at the time of the original suit was probably a sponge to insane ideas of white entitlement

may i ask what type of minority you are? racial minority of another type? and race is not a factor in affirmative action cases as a default. a “factor” presumes that admissions is based on a race as part of the formula. it’s one of many elements an institution can consider. in the case at hand, it’s only even