
im a massive kanye fan and i am violently ambivalent (yes) about taylor swift BUT JEZEBEL turns into a MEAN GIRLS clique when it comes to her and it just feels wrong to support a site that is so obsessed with talking shit and the comments filled with vitriol and condemnation like the bitch stole your man or something.

once again, jezebel “reports” the most convenient facts for its agenda, with leaving out substantial parts of the story. i dont have the energy...

i bet mccarthy gets a pretty good amount. being fat is one thing. fat celebrity is another (and much more rare). people get mad someone has audacity to love herself at any size.

no, kara. no.

great, now all the self-absorbed, minimally talented writers can go to gawker media where they will be better appreciated

awesome except for the “cock-sucking” part. unless you’re into gay slurs

is it REALLY wrong for me to buy two and use them as nipple rings for my girlfriend to enjoy with me? just to make her family proud

i have no sympathy for him either. sympathy for him personally is totally beside the point. if someone believes, as a principle, that it’s wrong to make fun of appearances, then that person should refrain from that behavior as applied to everyone. that is the point of a principle. that’s one reason why non-violent

please jezebel, tell me more about how it’s wrong to comment on people’s appearances, and then keep making regular jokes about trump’s appearance. totally cool to do it when someone really deserves it! i’m sure trump follows the same logic.

supported ivana, except for that time he maybe raped her.

she didn’t say anything implying that she hasn’t been privileged. your dad’s quote better describes trump himself. he goes on about his “small business loan” that started his empire.

White people love to correct people of color! Way to put her in her place!

thank you for the thoughtful reply. apologies for the snark at the end, I was replying to what i perceived as your attitude.

he said that not to taunt her, but IN RESPONSE to her having a gun in her hand, threatening to kill then entire family. Asking a person half a second away from murder your children to rethink their decision and instead just kill herself, is totally reasonable. He is a victim.

I absolutely stand by the fact that we have the best system in the world. I freely and openly admitted the serious imperfections of our system. I don’t disagree with most of the laundry list of injustices you provided. But their injustice doesn’t result from a rigged system. Please explain to me how the system itself

you originally questioned the motives of making such a story up as a hoax. i didn’t know if you were referring to trump’s campaign making it up (as some conspiracy theorists suggested), or the alleged “victim” making it up.

when a university is sued, they are required by law to disclose requested documents (and in some cases, the documents don’t even have to be requested, the university must automatically surrender any info they have relevant to the claims and defenses of parties involved in the suit). this sharing of documents and info

right, but it’s not islam as much as it is hateful, desperate people with a political and cultural objection to westerners, who have seen the massive violence perpetrated by the united states against people in the middle east, often innocent, and unfortunately use their own twisted interpretation of islam as

i agree that Westboro > ISIL, but only b/c Westboro hicks don’t blow themselves up. I also agree that radical Islamists are unique in the urgency of their threat, but I actually don’t think it’s radical Islam itself as a religion supporting these views- it’s a subsect of unstable, desperate people who misinterpret

i apologized for my original comment already more than three times. do you want blood? i never “called [you] words” like “ridiculous” or “insane” since then either, so what you have just accused me of doing (not paying attention to who said what when) you are actually doing to me. but since you brought it up, your