
i think what she’s saying wasn’t that PoC “took” her spot, so to speak, but that she was discriminated against based on race because had she been black, she might have been accepted despite her other shortcomings. which may be true. but it’s the job of college admissions directors to discern candidates from one

so the district had a quota system? how long ago was that? im unfamiliar with any district using any kind of mandatory quota system in the past decade, but maybe i don’t have all the facts.

i agree and find it equally annoying. but then i remember what i was like when i was her age. it could just be me, but i think at that time in life, people enjoy and almost need to feel outraged. kids looking for identity, for something to believe in.

yesss. you are so right. i actually JUST replied to someone else on here with the exact same sentiment as you. i wish i had seen this reply first, because your argument is much more eloquent and coherent than the way I had explained it. A++

first of all, if a woman were being assaulted in a public restroom, i’m pretty sure one of us would intervene, call for help, ask if she’s ok, etc. regardless of who the assaulter is. do you seriously think trans-inclusive policies are asking the general public to deny helping someone in the midst of being assaulted?

but the opposite presumption is equally racist. white folk always refer to young black males as men, as older than they are, as posing more of a threat than they actually do, of being sexually mature, etc. It helps ppl stay scared and reinforces the black male threat to white women, police, etc. So many times ive had

doubt it, they’d probably get job offer at FoxNews, or tapped for VP on the republican ticket

amazing handle

SHUT UP! she posted that on the station’s facebook page????? that is insane. her words did not surprise me, but for some reason, this fact is really hard to wrap my mind around. wow.

when they become the actual minority, those discrimination suits might actually be more successful. i dont know much about employment law, but should be interesting.

i dont like the term “a racist”. it’s defines every aspect of a person, and racist ppl can’t seem to see themselves as being “a racist” since they don’t think of themselves that way and probably don’t actually hate black people or even think black people are lower than them. instead they justify their opinion by

LOL Kara: “In 2016, I need you to come correct with your racism. Work hard for your racism. Put your back into it.”

i was one of three people on a bus-in-waiting (no driver, no keys in ignition, but door open) when a hooded man depantsed himself and furiously masturbated for 15 mins straight, but not til completion. i was very young and living in italy, didn’t know what to do or say or how to act, but sort of laughed it off for how

Some of the actual parents are child molesters, too.

i mean this non-facetiously- is that a fact? male victims of child abuse are rare, or in the minority or something? i always had impression it was just as likely to happen to boys as it was girls, but totally anecdotal

I don’t think it’s that simple. I don’t know the details of his son’s murder, but suppose he was killed by a black market 9mm. How will gun control avenge his death?

yep, there’s that. my ex was actually shot in the head almost a decade ago. he somehow miraculously survived the robbery and attempted murder. after he finally recovered, he was more attached to his gun than i had ever seen. before he had one, he rarely went to target practice and almost never got it out, ever, to my

the defendant would be an adult sex offender. state law defines whether the alleged victim is a minor. “minor” does not always equate into “child”, but many would argue that a 16 year old is still a child. so he was attracted to a child, thus making him a pedophile, by ordinary definition. regardless, I am not the

hillary supporter here, but i totally agree with you (and with previous commenter that it’s ageist bullshit). you both are right

he is the least optimistic political candidate of the last half century