
I just called my mom, who’s 68, to tell me about the horrible and terrifying things she lived through. She said the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK were terrifying, as was the civil rights movement and Edmund Pettis, she was shot by a rubber bullet in Peoples Park. And I’m like, yep, all of those things are really

Dear NBC:

i’ll admit that svu is a total guilty pleasure for me (i live for raul esparza as barba) but can they just... not, this time?

Hey now, Trump has the highest respect for women, believe me.

So, just to confirm, we’re changing up the goalposts from “substance” to “likability” now that I’ve shown your first statement was baloney?

I was so happy to see that Chelsea seems to have flourished. She is a few years younger than me and I remember very well how horribly she was treated. If I had had grown men calling me ugly on national media when I was 12 years old I’m not sure I would have bounced back. She is lucky to have such a strong role model

I say this as a white woman. FUCK all of the overprivileged, oblivious, racist fucking white cunts who voted for this man. You fucking Stepford bitches live in your goddamn all-white neighborhoods, pray at your bigoted churches and think your backwards-ass 1950s ideas are the “real America.” The man you just

This is actually the opposite of what really happened. Clinton had one of the most expansive and detailed policy platforms for a presidential campaign in a long time. She and her team did years worth of homework to hone down policies and be able to explain how it could be passed bipartisanly and point to where money

She’ll run the Clinton Foundation, which is pretty successful at solving world health problems. I won’t blame her at all if she goes on a vacation for a year. Rent a villa in Italy, Hillary! Her political career is over. But her life is not.

The American people have rejected her twice in 10 years. I think it’s safe to say it’s over.

Come on, she was a public defender. That was her job. Anyone accused of rape shouldn’t have access to a lawyer? That is a vital part of our constitution.

I remember hearing, so often and endlessly, that Hillary Clinton was physically ugly. It still hits me with a slight shock to see an old photo of her, and realize her appearance was lied about as often as her actions.

She’s in her late 60s. Democrats historically don’t give failed Presidential nominees a second bite at the apple. The Clinton political machine is dead.

Last night showed us that white housewives from the South and Mid West are still pissed about her cookies comment. They are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces.

A surprise candidate, relatively unknown:

I’m honestly not worried about myself,...

British person here. Hate crimes in the UK has spiralled since Brexit. It’s absolutely vile. I feel for you guys right now.

By the way I mean that solely in a political sense. I’m tired and I’d prefer not having a drop by, by the police again.