
Michelle Obama is a hell of an act to follow as first ladies go.

I would assume that she was somehow non-white, whether that means she is half Black, or a Latina mix. But then again, I am also Black, and we are good at spotting these things and always find it odd when non-Black people can’t see what is so obvious to us.

I think that’s probably, at least to a certain degree, because Kate’s family had strong mechanisms to protect themselves. If it was just words and shitty stories being leveled at Markle then his statement might not have been so strong, but having press physically invading her family’s privacy when they can’t pay for

DAMN, that is an extraordinarily strong piece from Kensington Palace. Kudos to Harry for having the balls to say enough is enough so early on. He seems like a really good dude.

I never remember who this guy is.

For how official and uptight Royal Communications usually are, that release might as well be a shirtless picture of Harry captioned “come at me bro - I will FUCK you up!” You know the royal PR people sent that one under duress- that is not their M.O. at all. So good on Harry for making them do it, and straight out

I feel like Harry has to step in if he ever wants one of his girlfriends to marry him - if I were Meghan Markle, I would seriously be weighing how much my relationship with him was worth if it’s so negatively impacting her life and probably the lives of every single one of her family members and friends. He’s lost GFs

I voted, and there’s a story of Fassy. Blessed day.

I can’t imagine how rage-inducing it must be for those men to deal with the press. I’m sure how Diana died is never far from their minds, and to see it still happening to people they care about? My open letter would not be nearly so polite.

To be honest, I am not shocked at all. There is a very racist underlying tone within interracial coupling in the UK. Clearly, the US is not any better. What I do find refreshing is that Harry stepped it up. Unlike Twilight guy who did nothing when people were attacking his FKA Twigs. From reading that letter Harry

I knew Markle was going to get hounded as soon as the dating rumors started all because she’s mixed. I know that there is a large swath of women out there that take personal offense and are outraged by this because someone that is half-black and therefore unworthy, is dating their prince. God it’s fucking 2016...

This sucks. I was optimistic after last week’s thread that Markle wouldn’t have to face blatant racism, but the British tabs are fucking brutal. I’m sorry, Ms. Markle, you’re lovely and I wish nothing but the best for you & Harry. Also, nothing wrong with Inglewood and Crenshaw.

White women pissed that a woman of color is infringing on their irrational, should’ve aged out of this by now Princess fantasies?

If this hadn’t been on their official Twitter i would never have believed it. He must be completely head over heels and in it for the long haul on this. Wow.

I would argue that a woman in the public eye could loose weight by accident, but you don’t accidently work out for three hours a day.

I’m from the UK. I know how the British monarchy works, thanks. Also Prince Harry is third in line to the throne. Pretty unlikely he will ever be king.

He is also a drug addict and has been for decades. Mostly uppers which explains both his “energy” as well as his inability to focus on anything. His heart will probably pop sometime in the next year or so.

Seriously!!! This is so true!!! I used to feel bad for her and think her parents, her mother in particular, were kinda messed up. But over the years it has become crystal clear that they had their reasons for keeping money away from her, she’s horrible with it. The reality show about Dean cheating really did me in bc

Agreed yo. That said, I am rooting for this relationship. Good for Harry for going for someone that’s so against the norm for royals. Moving that institution forward one casual relationship at a time!

Its like Jackie and Ari Onassis from decades past - he’s got some dough, he’s going to let her spend it and for her part she doesn’t actually have to have sex with the guy (except for his little scion - and who knows, that could have been done in the lab) but must pretend publicly that she does .... have sex with him