
that’s how it feels

My favourite is the ridiculous Hunter Boots and Barbour coat. Girl, wait a second before you go faux country chic. HAHAHAH. HAHAHAH.

I would give them the excuse as far as the cold, but I’ve found that Chicago and NYC people, while brusque, aren’t so assholey as the Boston crowd. I feel like it’s because Boston has inferiority complex to NYC while Chicago doesn’t really care about them and is off doing their own thing in the Midwest.

I lived in Boston for a long time and I agree with you, the people there are assholes. I partly blame how crowded it is, how chaotic the roads are, and the fact that it’s cold for a good chunk of the year.

Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”

There have been very few artists as talented and beautiful as George Michael. In spite of his decades of drug abuse, he was still so prolific and always a gentleman.

Sadly true. Pam is very sweet, I really think that’s genuine, and I like her very much. I also think she’s not very bright and has poor judgment when it comes to personal relationships.

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.

You only had one damned job — kick the farkin’ field goal!!! I don’t care if you have to kick it over Stone-freakin’ Mountain, but kick the damned field goal!

Or she’s just a run-of-the-mill, plain vanilla moron. That’s always been my take on her. And if she’s fucking Assange (which she probably is) then I’ve always been right. Or who knows - maybe he’s paying her.

also, it’s not really dating, it’s visitation rights

Knowing her track record with gross men I’m actually sadly not surprised by this.

Let’s not forget the so-called “apartment bombings” of 1999, which—whoever may have been behind them, coughVladimircough— helped shore up and solidify Putin’s power at a critical moment, when his popularity was at a dangerously low ebb, as he responded with an aggressive onslaught against “Chechen terrorists”

The President of the United States actually said this “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”!

i would be shocked if one of the best athletes on the planet who is also above 6 feet tall could not dunk this is stupid you are all being stupid i hate you please write more of these things

please let me know if this is post is better or worse so i can dial in on it

For me, the George Michael tracks that stand out the most are “Club Tropicana,” “Father Figure,” and, of course, “Freedom ‘90.” But I have to say that all of “Faith” was as subversive and dangerous a pop album as any that came out in the 1980s. From the church organ that starts off the title track (sacrilege!) to

The man could sing. It sometimes seemed to me that too few people appreciate how truly glorious his voice was.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more beautiful voice come out of a guy.