
We’re not getting the whole story with that guy.

Before tiny houses became a thing, I was watching videos on fast company about simple and small/tiny and alternative living. I also liked apartment therapy’s small-cool contest and the like.

At this point LIEUTENANT Olivia Benson (and now Commanding Officer of SVU) has to be making $150k/yr. Her place is hardly extravagant; pretty believable

A high ranking police officer in NYPD can easily clear $120K to $150K a year. Depending on where they live that can go pretty far.

I don’t watch the show, but I do watch YouTube, and got sucked into watching young people living in NYC and sharing their apartments/lives. It was so fascinating to see how small studios -- like the one pictured on the right -- were often shared by two people.

Ok, I read the linked article about the 22 yr old photographer and now I want to march to his apartment in New York, ring his doorbell, and when he answers, punch him squarely in the dick.

...and made it work because I am NEVER paying another broker’s fee.

No it’s real. Too fucking real. Fucking New York. This place sucks a bag of dicks and is also amazing. Very strange dichotomy. But the complaining is real as fuck.

What we’re all thinking:

She’s going to have two boyfriends to write about, plus Kimye, plus Katy! Am I ready?

The Myers promotion was a little unexpected, but he was better than people think on SNL, and his White House Correspondents Dinner was amazing.

> . Seth Meyers is the milquetoast former Weekend Update guy

yo ok it’s catchy af

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

“working out of a clinic in his own home” is a one-sentence horror film in and of itself.

So Runels bowed between her legs, numbed her clitoris with an ice cube and shot her up.

Jessica Biel is a block of wood with regular features. She should have stuck with daytime TV

I was there because I did Andy’s makeup.