
Meanwhile, her band’s logo basically has a white power cross in it. Because it looks cool?

This reminds me of story I heard on the radio regarding the Bachelorette. The journalist was asserting that the show would likely hire the first woman of color to be biracial, specifically white/asian, because:

There was also a lot of criticism that all the Black female roles were filled with light skinned/biracial girls, while the men were allowed to have/look like they have two Black parents. This is a weird and super-noticeable problem with all levels of casting, even for the little non-union commercials I used to do. I

Labrie’s and his mother were crying as he was led away in handcuffs.

I bet it’s an annulment with a non-disclosure.

he thought people would think calvin harris was a black guy

Interesting that she’s #1. I honestly think it’s because of her blandness. She reaches across aisles and is completely inoffensive to everyone.

This still seems shady as hell to me, LOL!

Its like how often the only way to get a creep to leave you alone is to say you’re already dating someone. Women and, their thoughts and feelings, don’t matter in and of themselves, but only as they relate to a man. Once again demonstrating that a disturbingly large number of men just don’t see women as real people.

How about, “This is how Trump talks about 50% of Americans?” Who cares if she’s a mother/sister/daughter/wife?

A thing to consider Kara; I’m not a frequent or regular commenter on here but I do READ the comments (I just don’t tend to have time at work to comment on things). Having never read one of your articles before I was initially like, “jeez this is a hilarious review and smart writing” but also thought the high chair

it’s amazing how thin-skinned and outright hostile to readers this kind of reaction is.

this is a little defensive for a valid point about being offered a chair?

Service staff always have to ask. You can’t assume anything about your customers.

But you were offered one. You wrote they asked if you wanted one. Some toddlers don’t like high chairs. Jane’s the mother of one child, not all of them. I don’t get what’s so odd about them asking if you wanted a high chair or not.

“...what we hope will be a human child.”

Someone said that he is trying to be more everyday and bro-ish to differentiate himself from intellectual British actors (Eddie Redmayne, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, etc.) It’s a good theory, but I think he might just be an idiot.

Too real, Ms. Badu, too real.

I think he meant masculinity.

Thank you. It wasn’t until I started working as an EMT that I realized how confounded the average person is by emergency situations. There is a default reaction that most people have where they either assume it’s not really an emergency or that someone else will take care of it. Dissapointing as it is, it doesn’t mean