*crosses fingers and waits for the ‘Ja-Rule of Kinja’ username to pop up*
*crosses fingers and waits for the ‘Ja-Rule of Kinja’ username to pop up*
Two whole days?! There's still no power there and everything is flooded. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster before? The whole state has flash flood warnings, 300,000 people don't have power; where is your humanity?
“poke many holes in it with a fork”
This whole “after working a full shift” narrative that they have been pushing since the beginning screams cover-up. I work a full shift a lot and don’t go killing my neighbors because of bad judgement. I’ve worked 24 hour shifts before. Any dead neighbors? No.
I understand she’s not a detective or investigator but just a cop. But how to you not notice a bright red mat in front of the door? Instincts or something should have kicked in to tell her she was at the wrong unit.
I’ve been to white church a handful of times in my life.
Ahh yes the old white people reverse-boycott to protest reverse-racism.
That information is super helpful. Thank you, Whammy!
That’s mostly pretty good advice. Although I think calling emergency services/an ambulance might not be a clear cut piece of advice where common sense is useful - at least here in the States. It seems in most areas here, you can’t get EMS without cops, as was the case in one of the examples above:
This article is making me furious, but I want to try and learn from this. It seems calling for help when dealing with someone suffering a mental illness will probably result in police who will probably escalate (and likely threaten the life/freedom of the person suffering, especially if they happen to be a PoC), so cal…
Why the fuck are they sending cops to do paramedics’ jobs?! I know it’s been going on for a while now but it just seems like a way to funnel people into the prison system instead of hospitals where they can get treated for fucking medical issues, the reason the call was made in the first place!
in the state of Texas in almost 50 years.
Not that you don’t feel sick, shocked and either blank or flooded with thoughts in that moment; You don’t owe that boy shit. You don’t owe any boy, no matter how much he reminds you of your brother, cousin, best friend from 3rd grade, your safety, your body, or your silence. Even if he's a Black one, and many are…
Not related at all but easily my two favorite things about this image: The colonel’s penchant for thick silver rings and the very practical key clip on the purse
Association matters, it implies a tacit approval, consequently, his associates (family, friends, the woman who will ostensibly help this shitpile breed) should share that burden. Knowing my friends, I know that had I committed the same crime they would no longer be my friends, and honestly, they probably wouldn’t be…
“Allyship is a 24/7 job, and there’s a lot of white people trying to pull part time shifts.”
I agree with the general idea of what Spike is saying, but I also think black and white people take allyship for granted in a lot of ways. I definitely appreciate any white person who is willing to use their privilege to speak up for POC, especially when there aren’t any POC around when they’re doing it, but for me…
Why... why would you talk her out of it?
The SPOA will continue to advocate for transparency and thoughtful improvements in police policies, but we request the respect of our community. Give our officers the ability to safely raise their families alongside you.